Monday, December 17, 2007

Pure Happy.

I seriously have about a dozen blogs that I have floating around in my head, yet to actually write - one about the Cody and my sweater story, another about my funny name changing fiasco with the library, Wicked (the most awesomestt musical EVER), another about the SNOW, another catch up on events (busy busy busy - Christmas parties galore, ice skating, snow sleding, Christmas cards, etc.) and then a few more that I have written down but can't remember off hand. Today, however, was a blog post in itself.
Today was, all in all, a pretty nifty day. This morning I had my old people scan - that's a bone density scan for everyone else. I was the youngest person in there - by a good 60 years. My doctor thinks the reason I keep getting stress fractures (last year in my shins and now my knees/fibulas) is because I have osteoporosis - no I did not turn 65 years old and menopausal overnight. He thinks I just didn't get enough calcium growing up and I don't get enough now - I'm allergic to milk and since it is liquid and has calories I don't drink the stuff (the only liquid calories I do are the wine variety). He did not think it was funny when I said I thought cherrios and macaronni and cheese was enough calcium growing up. So I went in and had my bones scanned - not a bad test overall - I find out the results on Thursday. Then today at work was pretty laid back. Of course if anyone from work is reading this, I worked my tail off today. For everyone else, I worked on some work, but also a lot of Cody's Christmas present all day. You see, buying each other stuff just doesn't work that well - if we really want something that we can afford, we buy it. If we can't afford it, then even Christmas won't make it happen. So we're left with really creative and "home made" gifts for each other. So I worked on his throughout the day today. Then I came home, slipping on the ice a total of three times between my car (parked on the street) and my house (about 10 feet from the street). Then, thinking that three times was not enough times to fall on my butt, I decided to go to the grocery store to get cookie/Christmas goodie shopping done. That was fun - until I came home, slipped AGAIN on the ice, and then crushed the eggs. I was able to salvage most of them but just putting them in separate bowls in the fridge. :) Then Cody got home and it was Susy Homemaker Time! We baked away! We made Cody's mom'swith this computer, it's Cody['s amazing pecan cookie things. One thing I thank Cody's mom for more then most other things (other then Cody, of course, and then her general wonderfulness) is her pecan cookie reciepe. It is awesome - though takes a million years to make - but it's worth it. So we made cookies together - and I even let Cody do his part "his way." You see, I'm getting better at letting others do things their way even if it's not my way/the right way. :) We had a blast. Then we made my pretzel, kisses, m&m things - super easy as long as you dont' "burn" the kisses. Bet you didn't think you could burn Hershey's kisses, did you? Well, you can. They get all flaky and gross. I always ruin, at a minimum, one batch. Anyway, we had a blast and had a great time just hanging out together, laughing, throwing burnt Hershey's kisses (chocolate is okay for cats if it's burnt, right?) and just talking. This is really what Christmas is about - if you want to bake and are going to have fun with it, knock yourself out - otherwise, like last year, just forget it and wait until when you can enjoy it. All in all this Christmas season ROCKS compared to last year. (Yes I am fully aware of my blatant overuse/abuse of the work ROCKS.) :)

p.s. If my typing sucks on this post, it's Cody's keyboard. He's on my laptop (because it's tons better then his computer -though he won't admit it) ordering his parent's Christmas present. Seriously - we didn't just leave this to the last minute - we have been racking our brains for months to think of something cool for them since they do so much for us but we've been coming up blank. I almost even made him call his sister for ideas, when, low and behold, he came up with a great idea. Now if only we can order it in time and it works. We, of course, have them a super wonderful creative gift, that unless a miracle happens, won't be done in time. But I guess that's what Mother's and Father's Days are for - unfinished Christmas presents. :)

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