Friday, August 31, 2007

Not this again. . . .AGAIN.

Well, I guess I spoke too soon. The car is broken again! Anyone want to buy a car in fair condition, inside smells like feet and apples (I always keep about 6 pairs of shoes and apples in my car), outside has some minor scratching from driving through a fallen tree limb, tires are scraped all to hell because the driver doesn't know how to stay off curbs, is loud as hell on the interstate, seats give you a headache after about a two hour drive, oh and yeah it randomly doesn't start? :)

It started (miraculously) on the way to work this morning but then when I went to go home, no love from the car gods. It just turns over and over and over but never starts. STUPID CAR! Stupid car people - this is the EXACT same problem that has happened every single other time but the last time we took it in they couldn't get it NOT to start - it kept starting for them! So we brought it home last week, it ran for exactly 7 days and is now dead again. Oh yeah, because it died at work, it's stuck in the downtown garage - the same garage it was broken into last time there was a three day weekend!!! AGGG!!!!

So, five things I'm thankful for today:
1. Wine - calms the nerves after you realize for the hundreth time you hate your car.
2. Internet - so it can suck your time so you don't dwell on said car - today's time suckage was Facebook. Yes, I know.
3. Cats -they're warm and fuzzy when you're in a bad mood.
4. Did I mention wine? Oh yeah, I did. Then #4 is MBA school. While Cody was at school tonight and thus could not assist with said car problem, at least he can hopefully get a job after school paying like $2 million and I can buy a car that works.
5. FRIDAYS!!! Thank God For Friday!!! Tomorrow (actually today since it's after midnight), I go to my orthopedist (please let him give me a bionic knee that will never hurt or let me down again) and then work a bit and then GO HOME for THREE DAYS! Plus it's the end of the month so for those of us that bill hours that means that after tomorrow is over I'm done with August and the week!! Yippee..

May your cars all run well . . . or at least run.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Not this AGAIN!

Nope, not my car breaking down (though I expect that any day too). Another Bar Application and Bar Exam! I've decided that since I'm going to be in Corn Country (aka "Missoura" as the "out-state" (non-St. Louis or Kansas City) people call it) another three years (thanks to Washington University's MBA program that is now eating up ALL of my husband's minuscule free time) I should go ahead and take the Illinois Bar. Since we're a "border city" it's really helpful to have both bar licenses and since my current firm does work in both markets it could really help me.

For those non-lawyers, applying for admission to a bar is just about as bad as the Bar Exam itself - either way I would rather poke my eyes out with a spoon. Everyone knows about the Bar Exam - hours and hours of testing, writing essays and bubbling in answers - usually it's a two day exam and they test you on anything from about 16 topics that you have no idea which they'll pick. That's nothing compared to the "Character and Fitness" Application!

The Bar Exams aren't actually that bad. I studied for Florida's and then since I was burned out on studying, I just answered Florida law on Missouri's and that was good enough. So the Exam itself is a worry far away.

The Bar Application is the current pain. The Florida Bar Application seriously took me years to finally finish. They wanted (and then Missouri wanted the same stuff all over again):
1) every job you ever had (complete with address, dates of employment, phone numbers, supervisors, how to get in touch with the supervisors, and a witness to attest that you worked there),
2) every address you ever lived at,
3) every credit card/bank account and debt you ever had (EVER!) and all those account numbers, balances, addresses, current balances, highest balance and current status,
4) if you ever bounced a check (which I had when I applied for the Florida Bar since that was before everyone used debit cards and electronic banking) they wanted 3 years of bank statements - every month for three years (they were $10 a month at my bank for past statements),
5) basically every tiny detail about everything you have EVER done (it would make anyone feel like a scum bag criminal), but worst for me was:
6) every ticket/infraction you ever got.

So as most of you know, when I applied for the Florida Bar it was quite an adventure - I've had my share (as well as a small country's share) of speeding/traffic tickets in my time. So I had to go through this thing with the Bar about my "blatant disregard for the law" and had to tell them that I would never speed again, blah, blah, blah (when I applied for Missouri it wasn't so bad - they just said "don't be a moron" and that was it). I was thrilled to get past that hurdle.

And then no-kidding right after they cleared me and all was okay and I just told them I would stay out of trouble forever, I was arrested for Possession of an Open Container of Alcohol and Assulting an Officer. Funny stuff, huh? Anyway, since I'm not a career criminal, they let me do deferred prosecution, pay my fine, do my community service, wait out my probation and then it all magically went away and was hopefully shredded somewhere. So when I apply for jobs and stuff I don't have to list it - but not the Bar! They must know EVERYTHING! There is no excuse in the world not to tell the bar something - no expungement, no charges dropped, no case sealed, nothing- you have to tell them everything.

So now, years later this retarded cop is still haunting me. I have to go dig up copies of everything (even though the state doesn't even have them anymore because it was all dropped) and give them the gory details. Basically I didn't know it was illegal to walk on the street in G'ville with an open beer (who would have known?). So I left a bar with friends, with an open beer (I was over 21) and someone grabbed my beer from behind me - I thought it was my friend so I back-handed the person who grabbed my beer - except it wasn't my friend it was the cop. Apparently cop was in a bad mood and felt like making an example out of Law School Girl so he got me on assulting him and the open container. I wish I could say I beat the crap out of him or something - if I'd have known how much trouble this would cause for the rest of my life I think I would have landed some good ones on him (just kidding - I don't beat cops- my brother-in-law is a cop and he is very wonderful and nice and gives cops a good name -it's the one's that give me tickets I don't like). :) Anyway, so now I've been working on my Character and Fitness Application for 6 hours now and I'm not even half-way through - EVERY job I've ever had - including volunteer stuff - EVERY address - EVERY credit card/bank account/etc - EVERY ticket (this one will take a considerable amount of time). All of this so they can allow me to practice in Illinois! Just thought I'd share some of my frustration.

The moral of today's story - don't be a lawyer if you've ever had more then one job, more then one address, more then one credit card, ever made a late payment on anything, or ever had a cop talk to you. :)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Thoughts and prayers.

Thoughts and prayers to my friend Melissa whose husband is having surgery today. We wish them the best and hope he is better soon!


Some things in this world are simply amazing. Cell phones for instance. I love them (yes, I see how they can be annoying but I could not live without my phone - not to mention we don't even have a home phone). 20 years ago I don't know how anyone ever planned anything with over 2 people - or ever got together for last minute things. Say I'm out shopping, doing errands, etc. and someone just got free tickets to a Cardinals game - without cell phones I would have wasted my day at the grocery store but with cell phones I can get my apples, run home and change and be at the game in 20 minutes.
The internet is another. How did people EVER plan vacations? I wouldn't even know how to get a hotel without the internet. Or how to get from here to say, Memphis? I would have to get a map somewhere and figure it out - and if you're traveling over a few states you'd better get a whole US map and spend some time figuring out your route - now you don't have to - shortest route? fastest route? Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Mapquest - they have you covered! Then there's the what to do when you get to Memphis? How did you find that out - the library? Order a Memphis visitors guide (and then how do you get the phone number to the Memphis Visitors Center? The phone book in Memphis? 411?)? Ask around? What about that cool little restrant that just opened on the corner - no chance in hell you'd ever hear about that without the internet.
So today Cody sent me an article on a new invention - Dry Erase Paint!! First, let me say we are obsessed with Dry Erase things - we have a dry erase board in nearly every room in our house - one has our finances on it (so we can keep close track of all that debt we're paying off by the time we're 84), one has our "house to do" list, another has our "summer to do" or "fun things to do" lists and another has our grocery, wal-mart, home depot, etc. shopping lists. I love them - they keep us sane. Anyway, now you can paint any surface (practically) you want and make it dry erase! Wood - walls - dry wall - anything! If you had kids it would be AWESOME! You do dry erase on the bottom of the walls (4 feet and down) then put a chair rail and paint the top half a kid room color - then only let dry erase markers in the room (no Sharpies - no house with kids should have Sharpies anyway) and let them go to town! How fun! So I'm sitting here debating all the things I could do with Dry Erase
paint!! :)

Other inventions I'm thankful for:
1. Running water. I currently have 7.5 litters of water bottles in my office - without running (clean) water that would be a lot of money per day spent on something like water (now I can spend my $7 a day on other random useless crap).
2. MP3 players. I have two (both cheap - nothing fancy). My old one (the speaker plug thing has to be twisted to work right so I can't run with it) is at work and I run with the other one. Forget dragging hundreds of CDs with you everywhere - and then stepping on them, sitting on them, scratching them, etc. - for someone like me who isn't great about taking care of toys, CDs were never good - plus portable CD players never got really good enough to run with (and they were heavy). So, lovin' the MP3 thing (hate the fact I can't get free songs
everywhere anymore - should have bootlegged more when I had the chance).
3. Rechargable Batteries. Save those landfills of all that battery goop. Plus they're cheaper in the long run.
4. Staple Removers. Even the manual ones - they save your nails - or your teeth.
5. Pilot Pens. They're expensive as hell but I love them. Now I hate using felt tip or ball point. Though Cody's sister left me with some pens when we were home for the wedding (either that or I might have accidentally stolen them) and I love them - great fun colors and they write really well - they're Pentel gel pens - and they're metallic (aka fun).

Inventions I like to see:
1. Comfortable work/dress shoes. Something as comfy as running shoes that I can wear to work.
2. Cars that work. Well, I guess they do exist but I just don't have one.
3. A Wal-Mart that doesn't suck. I swear Wal-Mart used to be decent and okay - not anymore - that places sucks as much as anything in the world. Their customer service sucks. Their products suck. Their stores suck. But I'm trapped because where else can I get deoderant, paper towels, milk, oatmeal, batteries, cat litter (Target doesn't carry my brand), photo processing and my tires fixed? Not that Wal-Mart does any of those things well - but they are all there.
4. Bionic knees that work. My knee is still bum - still hurts and can now barely walk on it (going downhill faster and faster). Wish I could get a bionic knee so I could run again and never worry about hurting it.
5. Cell phones that don't hurt your neck. I think this is mostly a girl/multi-tasking thing. Every time Cody talks on the phone he holds it with his hand - but when he talks on the phone he can't do other things at the same time. Every time I am on the phone I am doing something else - hense it is often between my ear and my shoulder - huring my neck like hell. Yes, I know they have the ear piece things but I can never hear with them and I break/lose them easily.


p.s. Wow yesterday's blog made no sense, was completely random, and just odd.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


We're normally pretty busy people. Very busy most of the time. But this past week has been insane even for us.
I guess the last time I blogged was last Wednesday (which seems like yesterday but also a year ago). Here's the scoop since then:
Wednesday - we had a Gator Club Officer Meeting which was fun but took the evening - always good to hang out with other Florida folk. :)
Thursday- Cody and I both worked late - him until midnight and me until about 8pm. Came home - ate- went to sleep.
Friday - Cody worked late - I had a work happy hour and then went out.
Saturday - SEC Alumni Club Softball Tournament - we lost to Arkansas. We were also dog-sitting - FYI dogs are a lot of work - I hope kids aren't that hard.
Sunday - errands, errands, errands - finally get to work on the house - pickle some green beans (long story)
Monday -Work late - 9ish
Tuesday - Drive to Poplar Bluff - get car back - they couldn't figure out what was wrong since it works now - have to wait until it breaks again to take it back again
Wednesday - Jammin' at the Zoo - wine tasting with friends and pals - a great time -and I didn't get sick this time :)
Thursday - work until 9 pm
Friday - saw my ear doctor - debated surgery - Cody had MBA orientation - I worked and then went to an art exhibit thing with a friend - then hung out
Saturday - Cody MBA orientation - me work
Sunday - ditto on SAturday - and then we went on a walk at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge - more on this later but I still can't run and really needed to get outside and move so we went on a "hike" - quite cool - also took my car to get the tire changed because it had a bulge - huge fiasco - morons

So we've had no sleep for over a week, haven't gotten to hardly see each other and have had no time to breathe. This week we vow to get better. :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I'm telling you, it's the big "news" here . . .

STLToday reports: "The National Weather Service says today's high at Lambert Field should hit 107 degrees -- a record, for the second straight day." Now that's hot by any standards.

Why we are busy/get no sleep.

I left work around 8pm last night. Went home, cooked dinner (a healthy delicious meal of lime-honey glazed salmon on a corn, black bean and spinach salad), did a small work out, took a shower, read a little of one of the 20 books I want to read, went to bed and arrived at work by 7 am this morning. That's only 11 hours spent away from work! Now I see why we have no time! To be fair, I worked until 8pm because I had a brief to do, I work better at night when no one is around to distract me and I didn't want to take Metro home so I waited for Cody to pick me up after class.
Need sleep . . . .

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Yeah, so now we're married so we get the "kids" question a lot. Too bad we really don't have an answer yet. Hell, we don't even know what we're going to eat for dinner most nights (or most other things). But I've been thinking about a few things lately so as I work through them, I'll be posting them. I'm a "knowledge is power" person so whenever I debate anything I read about it, talk about it, think about it and generally get as much information as I can about it. So the kids thing scared the death out of me. The first step for me to getting over that is to get information on it. So that's the current quest - get myself less scared. So today, the two things that scare me about deciding when to have kids:
1. Having them too old. I don't want to be the "old parents." The ones the other parents can't relate to. The ones that don't have the energy to keep up with their kids. I don't want my kids to feel like "Wow! My parents were born in the 70s!!" when all their friends have parents born in the 80s, or worse yet, the 90s. I want to be able to talk to them and have them not look at me like I'm from a completely different planet. I want to be able to relate somewhat. I just don't want to be "too old."
2. Having them too young. Yes, in a way I still think we could have kids "too young" even though our days of being able to say that are running shorter and shorter. I don't want to look at my kids and think of all the things we didn't do because we have them, or think of all we're missing out. Yeah, you'll miss out on things no matter what age you have them at, but I want to be old enough to feel comfortable with that sacrifice. I think about where we would be if we had kids three years ago and all the cool stuff we would have missed out on. And it makes me sad we would have missed all that. And I don't want to rush into anything and then be sad that we're missing things.
Yeah, Catch 22 at its best.

Rockin' in the Lou

Not sure where "The Lou" came from, probably Nelly (ya' know, he lives here?), but I think it's funny.

Anyway, wow, I need to update. So here goes.
Last week was crazy insane busy, hence the lack of posts. Wednesday I was in Columbia for work and Cody had to work late. Thursday I had a deposition in Bloomfield (aka Corn Country) almost 3 hours away - at 5 p.m. - so when I left at 7 p.m. that put me home around 10 p.m. from work. Since I was going to work late, Cody went back into work after class to make up hours.
Friday was awesome. While a lot of bands come through St. Louis we just don't have the time/money to see them all so we mostly stick with local (aka free) stuff with outdoor venues (just because they are fun and cool). But Friday one of my old faves, Less then Jake, was in town. Yes, it's ska, and I know a lot of people have very pointed feelings on that, but I totally love the fast music that's fun and easy to dance to (you look good looking like an idiot). Anyway, we went out to dinner with a bunch of friends, then headed to the concert. The opening band was great. Less then Jake was great (of course I would always have liked to hear more of the older stuff). But Reel Big Fish (who apparently was headlining, unknown to me) sucked. They may be better in real life (I can't really attest to that since I don't really listen to them) but they suck in concert. But it was a good workout just to dance around and laugh at their lack of any real talent onstage.
Over the weekend we were totally boring and cleaned the house. Not just picking up food dishes but really cleaning. We vacuumed (didn't know we knew how to do that, huh?), scrubbed, picked up, went through crap, organized and really did a good cleaning of the house. We felt really good about it - much more so then weekend after weekend of no sleep and adding to the progressive mess that had become our abode. So we now have a comfortable and clean house. Yipee!
In other news, I'm still not running over 11 min. I think I want my doctor to cut my leg off because I hate it. Why won't it just get better!?!?!?! This is very frustrating to me for several reasons. Running adds a lot to my life - it is my workout so I can be healthy and not feel out of shape, it helps me maintain a somewhat reasonable weight, it's my stress relief/coping mechanism, it gives me energy (yes, don't wait until you have energy to work out, work out to get energy), and just makes me feel good. Without it I'm a cranky bitch. So I would really like them to fix my knee.
My car is also broken - again. It won't start. We're 99% sure it's the same thing they fixed in December and again last month (for free because it was waranteed). Stupid Stupid Stupid car! Each time is $150 tow truck bill and 2 weeks without my car (and that's not counting the time it takes us to find the time to get it to the shop). Oh well, love the Metro Link (our "train" or "subway").

Hey Kitties, it's FOOTBALL SEASON!

Okay, so everyone knows that we're crazy. About a lot of things, but two things in particular (at least right now): the cats and football. So we've combined the two. Since we are gearing up for another great year of college football (I personally hate the NFL, though Cody tolerates it), anxiously awaiting opening game day (September 1st), we're bringing the kitties into the fun. As of now and until the end of football season they will have yet more new names. The kitty born Jasmine, known in St. Louis as Wiggles, will now be called Percy Harvin (the "touchdown marvin" as we call him), the great Gator wide receiver. Nala, now known as Mr. Pickles, will be known as Tim Tebow, the new Gator quarterback. And Tubby, Poofy, etc., now known as Bumpis, will be known as Estopinan, the defensive lineman (he's 278 lbs. - near Bumpis weight).
Go Kitties/Gators!

Yes. Yes, it is all we talk about.

Right now the only thing anyone is talking about around here is the heat. Hot this and hot that. On Sunday the temperature thing in Cody's car said 104. In the south they have the weather during the news. Here the weather is the news. Headlines are all about the "deadly" heat (yes, people die from the heat up here because they don't have air conditioning). The television stations and the newspapers have interviewed pratically every person who works outside, goes outside or looks outside during the day/heat. Frankly I'm surprised I haven't been interviewed since I do walk across the street to buy lunch almost daily - that has to be at least 30-45 seconds in the "deadly heat." :) Forecast for tomorrow?

WedAug 15

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Cody's Five Things.

Tonight we have a guest "Five Things to be Thankful For." Cody graciously agreed (read: forced by nagging lest the nagging continue until he listed all five) to list his five things he was thankful for today.

1. Cody is thankful "Boeing pays for school." He didn't go into detail on this one - but I'm assuming he means both the courses he's taking now (including this evening) for some computer programming certification (that I would list the name of but I have no idea what it means) and those he begins on August 24th at Washington University for his MBA. On a side note, I just cannot get over how proud I am of him that he's taken the initiative (read: forced by the never-ending nagging wife) to go back to school and do something to not only help his life, but our "family."
2. Cody is thankful "You [Missy] made lunch for me today." Yup - I was all wifey and stuff last night and while I was making my salad for dinner (yup - on a major diet after eating Pop Tarts - the evil of all evil processed, overly sugared foods - this weekend on the float trip - plus all the other crap I've been eating lately while I haven't been working out - funny thing the more I work out the better I eat, the less I work out the worse I eat - go figure) I went ahead and made both of us lunches. He got some kind of sandwich on a tomato-something flatbread with turkey and chicken deli meat, cheese, tomato, cucumber (from the garden), green pepper (from the garden), mushrooms and banana peppers (from the garden). We're trying to eat as much from the garden as possible obviously.
3. Cody is thankful the "cats don't bother the rug by the door now." We have three floor mats in our kitchen. The black one goes by the back door (the door Cody enters and leaves from). For some reason the cats were obsessed with it and would lay on it and kick it until they scrunched it up or flipped it over or otherwise made it not flat - and thus difficult to open and close the back door. Cody hated this. So we moved the black mat in front of the stove and the red mat in front of the door - they leave the red mat alone - thus Cody can now enter and exit our home without having to shove the mat - or the cats.
4. Cody is thankful "this week is pay week." That's pretty self explanatory.
5. Cody is thankful "we're not bored." He says this as we swore we were going to get to bed "early" but it's after 10pm and he's working on the Gator webpage, I just got done working out and eating a nectarine and we both have a ton of other things to get done as well. So, while we are swamped with events and chores and work and obligations, at least we're not bored ("Bored" is a four-letter word around here - the moment we say we're bored we know something isn't right.).

sweating bullets

Thursday's revised forecast, per

ThuAug 9
Partly Cloudy

Wow. Can't wait. While I love the heat and would take it over snow any day, I thought I was escaping this weather when I moved out of Florida. Bring on the Slip 'N Slides!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Five things.

My five things for today/this weekend to be thankful for:
1. Water - while Missouri does not have a beach (not folks, Lake of the Ozarks, does NOT count) and it doesn't have the beautiful springs, lakes and rivers of Florida, it does have some water, albiet not terribly close by. But there is water if you know where to look and the state lets you take as much beer on it as you want while you float/canoe. Fun times.
2. Summer - Every day until Labor Day I'll be thankful for summer. Because while some complain about the heat (100 degrees is a little warm) it's so much better then -10 degrees. I cool down after being in the heat in about 10 seconds after getting inside a car, house, building, etc. - it takes me 3 months to warm up after being in the cold.
3. Clients - while some are a huge pain, we went to lunch with one today that was a lot of fun and really nice. I like nice clients.
4. My legs. Or more specifically, my knees. While they aren't letting me run even 2 miles yet, I did get up to 12 minutes today. While on one hand I cringe to think I can only run 12 pain free minutes, it's better then 7 minutes and hopefully with a little determination and luck I'll be up to 2 hours again in no time.
5. My fish - we now have five more babies - bringing the baby total to 11 right now. They are breeding machines! I love just watching them swim around and socialize and they way they eat when I feed them. Way better then having a tv in the living room. :)

Busy Summer Time!

Wow - summer has hit full stride with us and all its busy-ness. Friday we went out to dinner with the two of us (not a common occurance given our schedules) and ate my favorite at the moment - Greek - they have this amazing spinach and feta thing in philo dough - if you're not big into spinach you'd hate it but I really love the stuff. Then Cody's cousin, Nicki was in town visiting with her boyfriend and kids so we went over to Illinois to the horse track and hung out with them. We bet a few different times and ended up winning a bit 30 cents - though I'm sure we spent more then that on beer so the "house" still came out ahead. It was great to see her and hang out since we don't get to see family often.

Saturday we were up bright and early for a float/camping trip. Lots of fun as always. Grab some people together - a few coolers of beer (and a little food) - some tents and off you go. We "floated" (that's what they call canoe/kayak/rafting here) down the Meramec River - not the most pristine river in the world but nice and cool on a very hot day. Then a night of camping and back home on Sunday for chores, errands, Chineese with some friends and laundry. Fun fun.

This week is jammed back as always - Cody had golf today (Monday is his golf and my long workout/goof off day) then tomorrow and Thursday he has class (a computer certification - MBA starts later this month) - Wednesday we have Music in the Gardens (the last one this year) and a friend's going away party (tough to chose which one to go to) and then Friday we've got a concert - an old Florida fave, Less then Jake - they're ska so if you hate ska you will hate them -I think they are quite fun and saw them many times in Florida and am looking forward to seeing them here. Don't get to see enough bands these days - lots of music (mostly local stuff) but not a ton of big name stuff - not that Less then Jake is really big name.

On with summer fun time - no matter how hot it gets I'm totally not complaining because I know that winter is right around the corner.

Summer Daze.

Wednesday's forecast:
WedAug 8

Thursday's forecast:
ThuAug 9
Mostly Sunny

And I thought we got rid of this weather when we left Florida! Go figure.

Friday, August 03, 2007



I've decided that I think I have a lot of pent up negative energy. I'm not getting all psycho-babble on ya'll here, but just describing in general a vibe that we each carry around - sometimes everyone can tell what "energy" you're carrying and sometimes it's just a you and you thing. I usually consider mine relatively peppy and happy, but I've been carrying around a lot of negativity lately. All sorts of various negative energy, for lack of a better description. So I've decided that's not particularly productive since whatever I'm feeling negative about doesn't particularly care (and it doesn't particularly affect it) and the only person it really bothers and affects is me - and those unfortunate, innocent souls who get stuck in the cross-fires of the energy who I probably end up projecting negative energy onto them and then they pass it on and that's why the world is going to hell - everyone passing around negative energy. Anyway, my solution? Change negative energy into positive energy. One way I've decided to focus on positive things is to write down five things I'm thankful for every day. So far today's are:
1. My house - I slept in it last night and it kept me cool on a hot night and I woke up in it this morning where it provided me breakfast, clothes, running water . . . . you get the point.
2. My car - I have mobility. Watch out other drivers - I would say "I'm a bad driver" but that's negative so I'll say "at least I drive better then the 90 year olds in Florida."
3. My job - I have one. It pays me money. And I sit on my butt all day - no manual labor here. And it allows me to blog when I have zero motivation on a Friday afternoon.
4. My friends - I had lunch with "the girls" today. Lovely, lively conversation. Interesting, smart, and funny people who actually put up with my company. We each bring something to the table (besides credit cards to pay the bills) including a wide variety of life skills and experiences.
5. You didn't think I'd leave out Cody did you? Yes, above most other things in life, Cody. He made me breakfast (okay, we had cereal but he at least brought me a bowl (I use plastic, he uses ceramic), a spoon (I use a big one, he uses a tea spoon) and my cereal (Rasin Bran Crunch - he eats Luckly Charms) to the table (we actually eat at a table now that we have one)). He told me to have a good day and told me I didn't look fat in my skirt (even though I did - honestly I have to get my weight back to where I can feel comfortable with it). He talked to me while I walked to court this morning and then called to see what was up this afternoon. He's my rock. A very very very large rock - iceburg size - in a often turmultous sea. But no matter how many hurricanes come (I know that hurricanes don't come in waters that contain iceburgs), he's still standing there. Yup, I'm certainly thankful for him.

So that's my five for now. And since it's really only mid-day I may have five more by tonight. I decided that I can repeat them because on different days you can be thankful for the same thing but for different reasons. For instance I could be thankful for Mr. Pickles today because . . . . wait, not much to be thankful for with the cat - just kidding. I could be thankful for my car today because it got me to work and tomorrow because it kept me dry in a rain storm - you get the picture.

p.s. If you note the time stamp, you'll notice that I am at work - and obviously not being a "productive worker" - but I work by the billable hour so if I mess around now I just have to pay for it later - so I don't feel particularly bad.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Kitty Birthday

Kitties on the "Pickle Post." For some reason we call any window sill, ledge, or other place where the cats sit "The Pickle Post" even though they all sit there - not just Pickles (short for Mr. Pickles). Here they are all looking outside at a bird or something but Bumpis is too stupid to figure out what is going on so she is staring into the kitchen in the hopes some food might drop from the sky.
Kitties in their pet bed Cody bought them in an effort to keep them from sleeping on our bed. The outcome? They sleep here until we go to bed and then jump in bed with us where there's more space, it's warmer and the possibly of getting petted.

I figured since I posted a bunch of pictures of Bo for his birthday I should post some of the kitties. I think I have more pictures of the cats then I do of Cody and I. :)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Happy Birthday Bo Bo!

Me, Bo and our dad at the wedding - I think this is just a crazy cool picture.
Birthday Boy and his lovely woman, Erica.

Me and Bo, my "baby" brother (who towers over me).

It's my brother's birthday today (Aug. 2) so Happy Birthday Bo! I doubt he reads this, or any member of my family for that matter, but just in case - I didn't forget! I hope you have a great birthday! Every year I add another year to my perverbial cake I don't really feel the years adding up, but every year, a few months after my birthday, when his birthday comes it really hits me how old I really am - my baby brother is how old?? Damn I must be getting up there!

I wish I had some cute story about my thoughts on when he was born but I wasn't there. I was a bit over two and got stuck at Grandma's house I think while the whole birthing thing was going on. When he came home I probably just thought he was a little blob (like the thing in The Big Dumbeldore in the Sky at the end of Harry Potter 7).

I don't think I was a very good sister. When he was little I used to think he was my doll and I'd drag him around. If he wasn't bigger then me I probably would have tried to dress him up and put bows in his head, but he got out of that one. I did tip over my rocking chair once and I think I blamed it on him and I think it worked - sorry Bo!

Then when he got a little older, but was still little, I used to just poke him until he bit me and then I would scream that he bit me. I would still do that but I bet it would leave a crazy bite mark now.

I think I tried to drown him in our pool when he was little (like under 4 or 5). He was in one of those tube floating things that goes around your middle. Well, I tipped him over in it and his head was stuck under water. I don't remember how he got up/out but I think it involved a parent jumping in to save him. Sorry Bo!

We used to come up with crazy imaginative games to play - remember, we had no cable tv (while he has fallen prey to the evil that is cable, I have stood strong in the face of Charter - that, and we're cheap and never home so it's not worth it for us to get it). We lived on a larger piece of land in the coutry and we each had an area that was "our" fort. I don't know if we ever actually built anything in "our" forts but they were ours and we used to have wars and stuff between then.

When we were both little our parents planted each of us a dogwood tree on said piece of land. When his was still little he tried to ride it like a pony and it sort of bend down - until this day (or until a few years ago when our dad sold the land) the tree was still sort of bent over - the funniest looking dogwood ever.

I used to call him "Bubba" for a very very long time - like up until a few years ago - I can't remember particularly why but I just started calling him that one day. Not in a bad way or anything but just my pet name for him. It was just me - no one else called him that so it was just between us.

When he was about in the 4th or 5th grade the whole Gulf War started and Iraq actually invaded Kuwait on his birthday. For years I tried to convince him that the whole invasion/war was his fault - sort of like someone trying to convince their sibling that a divorce/fight/insert bad event here was their fault. This is the same family that for years kept telling my littlest brother that the word "gulable" was not in the dictionary.

We got our first computer an Apple IIGS while I was in the 4th grade. It had a black screen and green writing and had a dot-matrix printer. No Windows yet. So Bo must have been in about the 2nd grade then - and damn could that kid program the hell out of that computer. It was all BASIC programming back then and he was insanely good at it. That was when I really realized that I will never be as smart as he is. As the computers got better, so did he. And now that's what he does for a living. Insanely smart kid. Wow, what does that say about me? He was great at computers as a kid and ended up a web/computer/programming/network guy. I ended up a lawyer - I must have been really good at arguing as a kid. :) He was always great at math too - tons of those trophies - he could probably build a large monument out of them if he wanted to.

He always had the hair that I wanted - straight with a bit of curl and pitch black. I got this sort of brownish curly/wavy sort of mop hair and he got this gorgeous black hair. He grew it out for a long time, but he's cut it now.

His real name is actually Brian Oliver - hence why we call him "Bo" (in case you don't see it, that's his initials). When we were little one of us kids realized that "Bo" is pronouced the same as "Bow" and from then on, every year on his Christmas presents we give them to "Bow." Yes, to this day I still find this hilarious. I doubt he does and he's probably sick of it 20 years later, but damn do I think it's funny.

It's funny to think of little siblings - to me he will always be my baby brother - this little guy who is just so "young" - yet he's not so young anymore - he's got his own house now and a great girl he's living with (that we are all not-so-patiently waiting for him to marry), a great job - he's made quite a nice life for himself as an adult. But he'll still always be my little brother. Happy Birthday Bubba!!!

Happy Birthday Kitties!

The kitties are five years old today (Aug. 1)!!! I didn't get them quite five years ago (I got them Sept. 12) but they were born "on or about" (that's a technical legal phrase) Aug. 1, so they are five years today (give or take a day or two)!!! They were originally adopted as Jasmine, Ariel, and Nala but upon moving to St. Louis, Cody changed their names to Wiggles, Bumpis and Mr. Pickles (respectively). So that's what they remain today. When I emailed Cody today to tell him the exciting news about their birthday, what was his response? Not "that's really cool" or "happy birthday to them" but "Only 10 years to go!" But then Melanie said she knew of two cats that lived to be 18 and 20 years old so he might have 13-15 years to go - poor Cody. :)
Anyway, Happy Birthday Kitties.

p.s. While I was doing my Europe 2002 scrapbook, one of the entries in my journal was "things I want to do when I get home" - there were a number of things listed like go to the beach, eat BBQ (and ketchup), get my hair cut, etc. and then "think about getting a cat and find it a good name." Well, I ended up with three and none of them have good names. :)