Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Rockin' in the Lou

Not sure where "The Lou" came from, probably Nelly (ya' know, he lives here?), but I think it's funny.

Anyway, wow, I need to update. So here goes.
Last week was crazy insane busy, hence the lack of posts. Wednesday I was in Columbia for work and Cody had to work late. Thursday I had a deposition in Bloomfield (aka Corn Country) almost 3 hours away - at 5 p.m. - so when I left at 7 p.m. that put me home around 10 p.m. from work. Since I was going to work late, Cody went back into work after class to make up hours.
Friday was awesome. While a lot of bands come through St. Louis we just don't have the time/money to see them all so we mostly stick with local (aka free) stuff with outdoor venues (just because they are fun and cool). But Friday one of my old faves, Less then Jake, was in town. Yes, it's ska, and I know a lot of people have very pointed feelings on that, but I totally love the fast music that's fun and easy to dance to (you look good looking like an idiot). Anyway, we went out to dinner with a bunch of friends, then headed to the concert. The opening band was great. Less then Jake was great (of course I would always have liked to hear more of the older stuff). But Reel Big Fish (who apparently was headlining, unknown to me) sucked. They may be better in real life (I can't really attest to that since I don't really listen to them) but they suck in concert. But it was a good workout just to dance around and laugh at their lack of any real talent onstage.
Over the weekend we were totally boring and cleaned the house. Not just picking up food dishes but really cleaning. We vacuumed (didn't know we knew how to do that, huh?), scrubbed, picked up, went through crap, organized and really did a good cleaning of the house. We felt really good about it - much more so then weekend after weekend of no sleep and adding to the progressive mess that had become our abode. So we now have a comfortable and clean house. Yipee!
In other news, I'm still not running over 11 min. I think I want my doctor to cut my leg off because I hate it. Why won't it just get better!?!?!?! This is very frustrating to me for several reasons. Running adds a lot to my life - it is my workout so I can be healthy and not feel out of shape, it helps me maintain a somewhat reasonable weight, it's my stress relief/coping mechanism, it gives me energy (yes, don't wait until you have energy to work out, work out to get energy), and just makes me feel good. Without it I'm a cranky bitch. So I would really like them to fix my knee.
My car is also broken - again. It won't start. We're 99% sure it's the same thing they fixed in December and again last month (for free because it was waranteed). Stupid Stupid Stupid car! Each time is $150 tow truck bill and 2 weeks without my car (and that's not counting the time it takes us to find the time to get it to the shop). Oh well, love the Metro Link (our "train" or "subway").

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