Monday, August 06, 2007

Five things.

My five things for today/this weekend to be thankful for:
1. Water - while Missouri does not have a beach (not folks, Lake of the Ozarks, does NOT count) and it doesn't have the beautiful springs, lakes and rivers of Florida, it does have some water, albiet not terribly close by. But there is water if you know where to look and the state lets you take as much beer on it as you want while you float/canoe. Fun times.
2. Summer - Every day until Labor Day I'll be thankful for summer. Because while some complain about the heat (100 degrees is a little warm) it's so much better then -10 degrees. I cool down after being in the heat in about 10 seconds after getting inside a car, house, building, etc. - it takes me 3 months to warm up after being in the cold.
3. Clients - while some are a huge pain, we went to lunch with one today that was a lot of fun and really nice. I like nice clients.
4. My legs. Or more specifically, my knees. While they aren't letting me run even 2 miles yet, I did get up to 12 minutes today. While on one hand I cringe to think I can only run 12 pain free minutes, it's better then 7 minutes and hopefully with a little determination and luck I'll be up to 2 hours again in no time.
5. My fish - we now have five more babies - bringing the baby total to 11 right now. They are breeding machines! I love just watching them swim around and socialize and they way they eat when I feed them. Way better then having a tv in the living room. :)

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