Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Cody's Five Things.

Tonight we have a guest "Five Things to be Thankful For." Cody graciously agreed (read: forced by nagging lest the nagging continue until he listed all five) to list his five things he was thankful for today.

1. Cody is thankful "Boeing pays for school." He didn't go into detail on this one - but I'm assuming he means both the courses he's taking now (including this evening) for some computer programming certification (that I would list the name of but I have no idea what it means) and those he begins on August 24th at Washington University for his MBA. On a side note, I just cannot get over how proud I am of him that he's taken the initiative (read: forced by the never-ending nagging wife) to go back to school and do something to not only help his life, but our "family."
2. Cody is thankful "You [Missy] made lunch for me today." Yup - I was all wifey and stuff last night and while I was making my salad for dinner (yup - on a major diet after eating Pop Tarts - the evil of all evil processed, overly sugared foods - this weekend on the float trip - plus all the other crap I've been eating lately while I haven't been working out - funny thing the more I work out the better I eat, the less I work out the worse I eat - go figure) I went ahead and made both of us lunches. He got some kind of sandwich on a tomato-something flatbread with turkey and chicken deli meat, cheese, tomato, cucumber (from the garden), green pepper (from the garden), mushrooms and banana peppers (from the garden). We're trying to eat as much from the garden as possible obviously.
3. Cody is thankful the "cats don't bother the rug by the door now." We have three floor mats in our kitchen. The black one goes by the back door (the door Cody enters and leaves from). For some reason the cats were obsessed with it and would lay on it and kick it until they scrunched it up or flipped it over or otherwise made it not flat - and thus difficult to open and close the back door. Cody hated this. So we moved the black mat in front of the stove and the red mat in front of the door - they leave the red mat alone - thus Cody can now enter and exit our home without having to shove the mat - or the cats.
4. Cody is thankful "this week is pay week." That's pretty self explanatory.
5. Cody is thankful "we're not bored." He says this as we swore we were going to get to bed "early" but it's after 10pm and he's working on the Gator webpage, I just got done working out and eating a nectarine and we both have a ton of other things to get done as well. So, while we are swamped with events and chores and work and obligations, at least we're not bored ("Bored" is a four-letter word around here - the moment we say we're bored we know something isn't right.).

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