Friday, August 03, 2007


I've decided that I think I have a lot of pent up negative energy. I'm not getting all psycho-babble on ya'll here, but just describing in general a vibe that we each carry around - sometimes everyone can tell what "energy" you're carrying and sometimes it's just a you and you thing. I usually consider mine relatively peppy and happy, but I've been carrying around a lot of negativity lately. All sorts of various negative energy, for lack of a better description. So I've decided that's not particularly productive since whatever I'm feeling negative about doesn't particularly care (and it doesn't particularly affect it) and the only person it really bothers and affects is me - and those unfortunate, innocent souls who get stuck in the cross-fires of the energy who I probably end up projecting negative energy onto them and then they pass it on and that's why the world is going to hell - everyone passing around negative energy. Anyway, my solution? Change negative energy into positive energy. One way I've decided to focus on positive things is to write down five things I'm thankful for every day. So far today's are:
1. My house - I slept in it last night and it kept me cool on a hot night and I woke up in it this morning where it provided me breakfast, clothes, running water . . . . you get the point.
2. My car - I have mobility. Watch out other drivers - I would say "I'm a bad driver" but that's negative so I'll say "at least I drive better then the 90 year olds in Florida."
3. My job - I have one. It pays me money. And I sit on my butt all day - no manual labor here. And it allows me to blog when I have zero motivation on a Friday afternoon.
4. My friends - I had lunch with "the girls" today. Lovely, lively conversation. Interesting, smart, and funny people who actually put up with my company. We each bring something to the table (besides credit cards to pay the bills) including a wide variety of life skills and experiences.
5. You didn't think I'd leave out Cody did you? Yes, above most other things in life, Cody. He made me breakfast (okay, we had cereal but he at least brought me a bowl (I use plastic, he uses ceramic), a spoon (I use a big one, he uses a tea spoon) and my cereal (Rasin Bran Crunch - he eats Luckly Charms) to the table (we actually eat at a table now that we have one)). He told me to have a good day and told me I didn't look fat in my skirt (even though I did - honestly I have to get my weight back to where I can feel comfortable with it). He talked to me while I walked to court this morning and then called to see what was up this afternoon. He's my rock. A very very very large rock - iceburg size - in a often turmultous sea. But no matter how many hurricanes come (I know that hurricanes don't come in waters that contain iceburgs), he's still standing there. Yup, I'm certainly thankful for him.

So that's my five for now. And since it's really only mid-day I may have five more by tonight. I decided that I can repeat them because on different days you can be thankful for the same thing but for different reasons. For instance I could be thankful for Mr. Pickles today because . . . . wait, not much to be thankful for with the cat - just kidding. I could be thankful for my car today because it got me to work and tomorrow because it kept me dry in a rain storm - you get the picture.

p.s. If you note the time stamp, you'll notice that I am at work - and obviously not being a "productive worker" - but I work by the billable hour so if I mess around now I just have to pay for it later - so I don't feel particularly bad.

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