Friday, August 31, 2007

Not this again. . . .AGAIN.

Well, I guess I spoke too soon. The car is broken again! Anyone want to buy a car in fair condition, inside smells like feet and apples (I always keep about 6 pairs of shoes and apples in my car), outside has some minor scratching from driving through a fallen tree limb, tires are scraped all to hell because the driver doesn't know how to stay off curbs, is loud as hell on the interstate, seats give you a headache after about a two hour drive, oh and yeah it randomly doesn't start? :)

It started (miraculously) on the way to work this morning but then when I went to go home, no love from the car gods. It just turns over and over and over but never starts. STUPID CAR! Stupid car people - this is the EXACT same problem that has happened every single other time but the last time we took it in they couldn't get it NOT to start - it kept starting for them! So we brought it home last week, it ran for exactly 7 days and is now dead again. Oh yeah, because it died at work, it's stuck in the downtown garage - the same garage it was broken into last time there was a three day weekend!!! AGGG!!!!

So, five things I'm thankful for today:
1. Wine - calms the nerves after you realize for the hundreth time you hate your car.
2. Internet - so it can suck your time so you don't dwell on said car - today's time suckage was Facebook. Yes, I know.
3. Cats -they're warm and fuzzy when you're in a bad mood.
4. Did I mention wine? Oh yeah, I did. Then #4 is MBA school. While Cody was at school tonight and thus could not assist with said car problem, at least he can hopefully get a job after school paying like $2 million and I can buy a car that works.
5. FRIDAYS!!! Thank God For Friday!!! Tomorrow (actually today since it's after midnight), I go to my orthopedist (please let him give me a bionic knee that will never hurt or let me down again) and then work a bit and then GO HOME for THREE DAYS! Plus it's the end of the month so for those of us that bill hours that means that after tomorrow is over I'm done with August and the week!! Yippee..

May your cars all run well . . . or at least run.


maxolasersquad said...

If it makes you feel any better, as I was about to leave town to take the two girls camping, our Dodge Dakota did the same thing as your car. This took me from good mood to very upset very quickly. By the time Kim showed up it would start and run, but when she was following me home, the van she was in cut out too. It immediately started back up, but this meant two of our vehicles are now unreliable. I hesitate to take it to a mechanic because I cannot get either one to replicate the problem. I think I'm going to change the spark plugs and such and pray for the best.

mesa said...

I am ashamed to say it but.. I just found your blog girl.. I am a slacker I know.. you are a faithful reader of mine and I'm glad to finally "find" yours.
I love wine too... and I would imagine my car probably smells like feet too. It's good to be back in touch!