Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Stockings! Here's a quick picture of the stockings as they are now. I'm still debating putting little silver jingle bells on each one around the cuff. Mine is the cream one and Cody's is the black one. Cody totally designed them all himself! He even picked the fabric - all by himself! I even tried to steer him towards something easier to sew with but he liked this material - it was soft and shiny and fancy so he liked it - but I found a way to make it easier to sew with (I backed it with regular cotton and put batting in the middle) and I loved the finished product. The pictures really don't do them justice, if I do say so myself. :) Cody wants a black "pocket" on the back of his so he can "hide" things in it. It's a German tradition to hide a pickle (long story - look it up on wikipedia) on the Christmas tree and Cody figures that he wants to be able to "trick" people so if he has a pocket on the back of his stocking he can hide things, like the pickle, there. Too bad I KNOW IT'S THERE! Anyway, a quick stocking picture for the bloggers out there. :)
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