Sunday, March 23, 2008

Better start building the Ark!

St. Louis, being a river city, tends to have a tenacious relationship with water every spring. Every so often (by "every so often" I mean at least once a year, sometimes twice) it rains and rains and rains and rains and then combined with some sort of snow melting or rain upstream causes all the rivers around here to flood. Obviously the Mississippi is pretty well contained by a number of locks, damns and flood walls but there are still portions that are "allowed" to flood. The Riverfront is one of those. Cody and I drove down to the Arch and the Riverfront yesterday to gawk (with the rest of St. Louis - obviously there is just SO much to do here in the spring) at the rising water.
This is a photo of a statue of Lewis and Clark. Can't see the statue? See the thing poking out of the water? That's the top of the head and the arm of either Lewis or Clark waving a hat in the air. The rest of the illustrious statue is under the water - that's just an example of how deep the water is.

I just thought this was funny. Follow the sign for Arch/Riverfront Parking. If you have a boat.

Anyway, while the Mississippi wasn't terribly flooded (while this looks bad, it's not half as bad as it could be) the Meramec was, causing whole roads to be shut down, a major part of an interstate to close and several feet of water in homes and businesses - one Steak and Shake had 7 ft of water - not that I could care less if Steak and Shake floods.

Anyway, that's most of the excitement around St. Louis. Oh, and it SNOWED on EASTER! I think the weather man must have gotten Christmas and Easter confused because this was just not right. There is an old saying in St. Louis that if you don't like the weather to just wait five minutes and it will change. :)

1 comment:

Jon said...

Wow. And my wife complains when part of the round-about at the end of Killearny gets flooded.