Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Winter Wonderland My Butt

Snow, snow, snow. When I first moved here it was a novelty. Even back in November/December it was neat - the first snow of the season, sledding, snowball fights, snow angels, getting exercise shoveling the stuff. But itś MARCH now and I´m gosh darn tired of the stuff. People say itś so pretty and itś a ¨Winter Wonderland"- maybe if you live in the North Pole and Santa is your neighbor, but not in Missouri. I´m just plain tired of the stuff. Yesterday it started ¨icing¨ - yeah, like on a cake, but not as sweet. Rain turned to freezing rain turned to sleet which later turned to ice. I now know more about the process of precipitation freezing then I ever wished to know. Anyway, it simply involved some elbow grease and a ice scraper. Then over night it started snowing. And snowing. And snowing. I think the weather failed to switch its calendar to MARCH (Have I mentioned itś MARCH and itś supposed to be not crappy anymore?). So it was snowing. And of course we all have to go to work because us making Corporate America money is more important than our lives. If we die in the snow/ice they just find someone else in Corporate America to take our places - we are not indispensable. Anyway, so we mosey into work. Where it continues to snow and snow and snow. Finally I make it home in the ice and slush and dirty nasty snow/slush/water stuff in a car barely a foot off the ground so it gets stuck in snow very easily. When I got home I fell only twice (which is an improvement over the last few months) walking from the street to the house (not a far distance). I brought out my handy dandy ruler stick and measured the snow around the house - between 6-8 inches. Not too bad for MARCH.
Anyway, it really is pretty if youŕe inside and don´t have to go to work and can sit under the covers, watch Oprah and sip hot cocoa (spiked with Baileyś preferably). I´m just getting really tired of the winter. I tried to be patient and understanding. I tried to feel blessed by having all four seasons (people ask me if I was sad in Florida not having all four seasons - the answer is NO - I was not sad - we had quite enough change of season for me - plus when your supposed one ¨season¨ is good, why do you need three more?!?!?). So I´m doing my best to grin and bear it but I really wish spring would get here already!
In other news, I´m back to normal at work - no more being sick or bar studying. While the worst part of being a lawyer is billable hours (that and spending your entire life getting yelled at) it was actually sort of fun to be back in the billable hunt these past few days after such a crummy month in February. I´m sure that exciting feeling will wane by the end of the week though. :)

1 comment:

maxolasersquad said...

It got so bad here last night that we contemplated turning on the heater. We where both tired and just went to sleep instead.