Sunday, March 02, 2008

In like a Lion, Out like a Tiger.

I know it's March that is in like a lion, out like a lamb but it felt like February was in like a lion and out like a bigger tiger. The month started off bad with a foot of snow, got worse with the worst sickness I have likely ever had (other then having pnemonia when I was younger), then proceeded with crummy because I was behind at work and had to study for the bar, then it ended with the worst bar exam of my life (granted it was only out of three - but still, it was pretty crummy).
But now it's March. So far it's been the best weekend of the year. Aside from the unseasonably warm temperatures (we got into the 70s for the first time since September - I even had on shorts and a tank top!) it was just so nice to relax and hang out with Cody. Friday night I was invited to see the new Court of Appeals judge in Missouri get sworn in so that was awesome - got to meet the governor (he's much shorter then I thought - and young) and the mayor and a ton of other judges and congress-people. Then went out with some friends afterwards. Saturday we just relaxed. As in really really relaxed - for the first time in a very very long time. We didn't jump up in the morning screaming "we've got so much to do! Get up now!" We lounged. And hung out. We picked up the house and then ran some errands. We didn't really even "run" errands - we honestly leisurely went about the things we need to do and enjoyed ourselves ("enjoy ourselves" and "shopping" usually are not in the same sentence). Today since it was so nice we worked in the yard- for the first time since we finished the tomato harvest back in October!!! It was the most fabulous thing ever. It felt so much like spring I wanted to sing. But alas, it will only last a day as tomorrow it will freeze and we are to get a ton of freezing rain, ice and snow. Not kidding. But we had a great time in the garden. We turned over the veggie garden and actually even expanded it. I worked in my flower bed a bit and was thrilled to see a lot of my spring flowers coming up (tulips, narcissus, paper whites, etc.). We just had a good time playing around outside. Then we started all our vegetable seeds inside in those cute little seedling cups - since it's March we started onions, bell peppers, jalapenos, brussel sprouts and spinach. So that will be fun in the next few weeks to watch those start to grow. Then we grilled out - well, Cody grilled out - and made delicious pork chops. He's really a great cook -and fabulous with the grill.
Anyway, it was so amazing to really get to relax. My life really is wonderful right now. The bar is over, another HUGE project that I've been working on is now over so now I can really enjoy life again. I'm thrilled - except tomorrow is Monday. :)

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