Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Happy Ides of March

As yesterday was a reference for all the math people, today's reference is more for the Latin folk (the dead language, not the nationality). I'm not sure what the Ides of March has to do with Latin, but that's where I learned about it so that's what I associate it with. I think it had to do something with the Romans and something they did on March 15th. . . probably some festival or something.

Anyway, today I learned something new about the Ides - I thought Ides pretty much meant 15th, but as my Word of the Day informed me, Ides refers to the 15th day of the month only in March, May, June and October and the 13th in other months. Who would have known? Well, to answer that, actually my brother would have known since I emailed him this tidbit of information and his response was "Cmon, you forgot the rhyme? March, July, October, May: that's when the Ides are on the 15th day." I guess I must have been sleeping in class that day. Maybe he can tell us what the Ides stands for in the first place. :) Thanks Bo!!

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