Sunday, March 12, 2006

Kiss Me. . . .I'm Irish

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, but either way I love St. Patrick's Day. What a holiday - dress up in green (does anyone ever really look good in St. Pat's green?), drink green beer and just have general good cheer. This St. Pat's (observed in STL), was no exception. First let me explain that while I am well aware St. Patrick's Day is actually on Friday, St. Louis always does their annual celebration the Saturday before St. Pat's so that was this weekend. And what a weekend it was - typically our weather this time of year is highs in the 50s (or 40s) and lows in the 30s and 40s - but we had this crazy front system this weekend providing a brief, though welcome, oasis of warm weather - we actually got into the 70s!!! For a short period I actually forgot I lived in the artic Midwest (okay, so it's not exactly artic, but to my Florida senses it sure feels like it). Anyway, the day started bright and early with the Michelob Ultra St. Patrick's Day 5 Mile Run. Cody doesn't like to run anything over a 5k, but it's a great pretty easy distance for me. I ran with my friend Marissa and while the course was quite hilly and it was actually pretty warm, we ran a good race. . . . no, we didn't win, but we did well. :) I still find it odd that a race, something put on to promote fitness, is sponsored by a BEER - no matter how they spin the darn beer, it's still beer and it's not healthy! Afterwards we walked with the Hurling Club in yet another parade - that's our second parade in two months- that we were in! Again, thanks to Dude for hooking it up (yes, "Dude" is an actual person - and yes, he has a real name, but no one uses it). And what a day to be in a parade - I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day and there were absolutely huge crowds! I'll post pictues on the website as soon as Dude emails me the pictures he took so I can upload them all together. :) Afterwards we met up with a bunch of friends and hung out. . . . more fun was had by all. Now I just have to make it through to week to Friday for another celebration - boy do I love being Irish, or not, but everyone's Irish for St. Pat's Day. :)

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