Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Ides of March, Part II

So, we were discussing the Ides at work today and low and behold, a colleague, who just happens to have the same and middle name as I do (wonderfully popular name in the 70's I guess), also wrote on her blog about the Ides! Luckily she is much smarter then I am and had much more information then I did. Apparently the significance is that Caesar was killed on this day in 44 B.C., hense the phrase in Caesar (the play), "Beware the Ides of March." Anyway, I stole this link from Melissa's blog for anyone interested in further information on the Ides of March - who knew I'd learn so much in one little day!! Maybe tomorrow I'll learn about the 16th of March!

On another notes:

I ran five miles on the treadmill at the gym today in 46:53 - no it's not incredibly fast, but for a treadmill it's not terrible (I run much faster outside on the ground then I do on a treadmill). Only a little over three more weeks until the half marathon! I have three more long runs of 8, 9, and 10 miles and then April 9th is the big 13.1! My goal this year is to run it in 2 hours, 10 minutes or less. We'll see . . .

I finally broke down today and bought the blazer I've been eyeing up for weeks at Old Navy - I have been wavering on whether or not I liked it enough to buy it but then it went on sale for $25 so I broke down. It should work great as a spring jacket/blazer that I can wear with a ton of stuff. We'll have to see. . . .

Cody and I figured out our brackets for the NCAA tourney today. They're due tomorrow for our respective pools. I have U Conn picked to win it - much to Cody's chagrin, I didn't pick Florida. :) I have a classic 5-12 upset (Texas A&M over Syracuse - no matter how "on fire" everyones says Syracuse is), but otherwise nothing ground shattering. I have Iowa doing well but Villanova loseing to Ohio State - we'll see.

Oh, and I actually cooked dinner tonight - first time in a while. My specialty - frozen veggies, terriaki chicken and brown rice. But thanks to the Girl Scouts of America, we had a special dessert tonight of Thin Mints and Samoas. :) Nothing additional to see here I guess. :)

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