Friday, May 09, 2008

Things that annoyed me this week.

1. They are raising the price of postage stamps - AGAIN. Unlike much of America, I enjoy writing and I enjoy sending things in the mail. I make every attempt to send my Grandma at least a postcard a week. While the raise is, of course, mere pennies, it's the principal - and that they do this far too often!

2. I get all my local news on one website (I use a consortium for national news) and they changed the website. While I'm sure they think it's "improved" I think it sucks and can't find anything I want. Basically I think they made news a lower priority then the "entertainment" and flash of the site, and moved up all the crap stuff (everything not real news) to be more prominent. It sucks.

3. I saw the other day a a judge that I've worked with for over three years who's always sort of given me no credibility (it's the young female thing). I told her I was leaving my current job and told her where I'm going. She said something to the tune of "That's a really hard to get, prestigious, coveted job - I didn't think you were that smart/bright/good enough. Wow." Then I suddenly gained all sorts of credibility and she wanted to chat when for years of practicing in front of her she hasn't given a darn about me. I apparently went from dumb and incompetent in her mind to intelligent and worthwhile. Annoying.

4. Rain. It's been chilly and rainy all week. Where's my sunshine? It's May! Don't "April showers bring May flowers"? Where are my damn flowers? Why is it still raining? On we've been under a Severe Flood Watch/Warning for 2 months now! Blah, stupid rain.

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