Monday, January 23, 2006

Party Time!

Well, we finally did it! Cody and I finally had our house party! We've been intending to have this party for months now, but first it was summer activities and then it was football season and then the holidays - but we finally picked a date, told everyone to show up, bought the keg and had our party. And in my humble opinion, I think it turned out great! We staged it so our friends with kids could come earlier in the evening to hang out before the not-so-tame crowd showed up later that night. All in all it was a success! We had a great time meeting and hanging out with our friends' kids - they were so cute and wonderful - and then an equally good time draining the keg with everyone else. We even got in a few rounds of flip cup! I'm so happy that so many people were able to make it - quite a great crowd! I've put the pictures on the website if anyone wants to check them out. :) Thanks to everyone who showed up!!!

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