Sunday, January 29, 2006

Birthday Weekend

Well, these past few days have been Cody's "Birthday Weekend." Some of you may ask, "Birthday Weekend? I thought your birthday was just one day." Well, not in St. Louis and not with Cody's friends. They have "Birthday Weekends" and even "Birthday Weeks" - quite the celebratory crowd, I assure you (more to do with finding any excuse to go out and drink then celebrating one's birth, I'm sure).
Cody's Birthday Weekend began with his day off on Friday. He worked too many hours this past week and since they no longer have overtime, he went ahead and took Friday off. Being the great guy he is, he took it upon himself to get a ton of our "chores" done Friday while I was working -helped out a lot to clear up the weekend. :) We started the celebrating with a not-so-birthday related celebration - a going-away happy hour for two of our great associates at work. Most would think happy hours last from about 5-7pm, maybe even 8pm, well, not this crowd - at 10pm most were still alive and kicking. We had a blast with everyone and it was a great kick-off for Birthday Weekend!
Saturday we took our first day in forever (literally) to just hang out and relax and veg - we did absolutely no work. We rented Cinderella Man and watched that and went to dinner at one of Cody's favorite restaurants - King and I. It's a Thai place in the city and they'll make stuff as hot as you want. Cody was quite impressed with the degree of hottest prepared for his birthday - he drank at least a gallon of water just trying to eat his meal - I have no idea how he can stand that stuff. :) We had his "cake" after dinner - though Cody doesn't eat cake and isn't a particular fan of sweets at all, he really likes the Jell-o No Bake Cheesecakes with Cherries for his birthday - his mom would always make them for him but since our families are so far away these days I've kept up the tradition for him. They're really yummy pies and take about five minutes to make. Then of course we went out - first to Tejas (bar in Clayton with $1 drafts, though the selection on draft is quite limited) and then Columbo's (south city bar near our house, open until 3am). Quite a fun time - though Kyle fell asleep on the bar at Tejas well before 10pm (I've got pictures I'll post later).
Today we concluded "Birthday Weekend" with a paddle boat ride in Forrest Park, a walk around the lake and then some light errands (for chili making supplies so Cody can cook his famous chilli tomorrow). Overall, I'd say it was a nice, relaxing, laid back Birthday Weekend.

p.s. I have just been informed Cody put the treadmill back together and now it won't work again. Some connector is all screwy so we might have to cut it off the circuit board and solder it directly to the board - sounds fun, eh?

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