Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day . . . late

I swear these days everything I can't seem to do anything "on time." I have full intentions to get birthday, anniversary and even Valentine's Day cards sent off on time. I have grand hopes of having presents bought and shipped days before a birthday or event. I really care about getting those things done, I honestly do, but sometimes I swear there just aren't enough hours in the day. So for all my family who might read this and wonder why I didn't send you a Valentine's Day card - I did, but it was sent late and with the state of the St. Louis mail it might not get there until Easter, but know that I was thinking of you anyway. :)
As for our Valentine's, Cody and I have never been very good traditionalists. We don't like big fancy dinners (I like cheap Southern BBQ and he likes a good pizza or wings) nor do we typically enjoy spending lots of money on useless or fleating objects (exception: my engagement ring which I will forever cherish and treasure). (I think this is one of the reasons we're having so much trouble planning a wedding - that and see Part I again.) We sort of do things our way. So first, we did Valentine's on Monday because Tuesday we had German class and listening to a class full of American's try to make the guteral German sounds just isn't romantic (myself included). So we left work early (Cody because he had to - they were moving his group to a new building - and me because I like any excuse to leave work early) and made dinner together. I love shrimp, he hates them. He likes steak, I'm not a red meat fan. So we made shrimp for me, steak for him, shells and white cheddar (a mac and cheese knock off, just change the cheddar to white), salad, and leftover mashed potatoes. It was nice. It was simple. And it was us. And I guess that's what I like most about us, we don't try to be anything else but just us.
Yesterday we had another German class. I'm really glad we're taking this class because I think we'll be able to experience the culture so much more if we can at least understand some of what's going on. I'm so excited - this is going to be an amazing trip!

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