Thursday, February 23, 2006

Nobunny Knows Easter Better

I swear the world is out to get me - or at least the sugar industry is. If there is one vice I have above all others, it's sugar. I absolutely can not live without it. I seriously can't. If it's around I have to eat it. I can't resist. I used to be absolutely addicted to Mountain Dew - to the tune of 5-6 a day, but I managed to give up not only caffeine but all soda about 10 years ago, in exchange for sugar. I told myself that I just couldn't keep drinking all that soda and eating all the sugar I like and still stay healthy/weigh a reasonable amount. So I gave up soda - it was hard, incredibly hard, but it was worth it so I could keep sugar.

Even so, every now and then I try to reduce my sugar intake, for health's sake. But the sugar industry just seems dead set on shoving it down my throat. There's candy at Halloween, pies at Thanksgiving, everything at Christmas, sweets at Valentine's, cake in June (for my birthday), Memorial Day and Labor Day cupcakes, 4th of July goodies, and then there's Groundhog Day, President's Day, MLK Birthday, Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Day and Friendship Day (okay, maybe the last bit of those I only use as excuses). And then there's Easter - second only to Halloween in encouraging candy consumption - and at least in my book, miles above it for one reason - Cadbury Cream Eggs. Whoever thought of those yummy delights certainly didn't care about my waistband. At 170 calories and 25 g of sugar in EACH egg, they are calorie and sugar havens and I love them. I got the biggest joy last Sunday when I was reading the Sunday ads and Walgreen's ad listed a sale on Cadbury Eggs - not that I need to get them on sale, they're only about 50 cents not on sale, but it was the fact that it was that time of year again. After all, Nobunny Knows Easter Better than Cadbury!

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