Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Lebowski goes to Germany?

Wow - it's been a while since I last blogged - big news since then! We found out today we have World Cup tickets!!! Not just one game either - we have tickets to FOUR games! The lottery for tickets closed in mid-January and they drew names for who got to buy tickets on January 31st - since then I've been on pins and needles dying to find out if we got tickets. Well, we found out today we're going to four real life, acutal World Cup games - Game 10 on June 12 in Gelsenkirchen between USA and Czech Republic, Game 11 on June 13 in Berlin between Brazil and Croatia, Game 16 on June 14 in Munich between Tunisia and Saudia Arabia and Game 18 on June 15 between Ecuador and Costa Rica! Yes, you read that correct - that's four games in four days in four cities nowhere near each other - there will be a lot overnight train riding. I absolutely cannot wait and am bouncing off the wall with excitement!! Now we have to figure out plane tickets, agenda, etc. - fun fun fun (sounds like all the planning we need to do for the wedding that we haven't done yet). :)

As for other news, we went to the First Annual St. Louis Big Lebowski Festival at the Moolah last Thursday. I thought it would be sort of a strange event (who wouldn't?) but it was really quite a good time. There was free beer, free bowling, free t-shirt, and a free showing of the movie at midnight. I realized I need to do more things every now and then out of my proverbial box. . . . find more out of the ordinary events in St. Louis and try them out.


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