Sunday, February 26, 2006

Mardi Gras!

Too tired for a long post so I'll try to post full details tomorrow, but FYI the Mardi Gras pictures are up on the website. It was an absolute blast!!! We had such a great time - it's hard to even describe in a blog (but I'll try - later - not today). There are less pictures then last year since it was colder and it was much more difficult to take pictures with gloves. :) In case it wasn't clear by the pictures we were in the parade as part of the COPS float (the theme this year was Soulard and the small screen, aka TV shows) - Cody and I both dressed up as cops and amazing as it sounds were not overly harassed by cops for our costumes. :) We had a blast throwing beads on the parade route and of course, partying in Soulard afterward. Now we're just worn out, tired and our legs are crazy sore.

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