Sunday, February 10, 2008


Anyone who has ever had a long distance relationship can relate to this. Or someone who doesn't live close to family. When you're visiting the other person (like when I would fly up to visit Cody before I moved here and when we visit Tally) there is always this crazy sadness the night before you leave. For instance if my plane left at noon on Monday, then on Sunday is when you go around the house, make sure you have all your stuff, pick up the house after your weekend/week of fun and together time, pack everything up and get ready for leaving. It's always a really quiet, sad process. You never know quite what to say because if you start talking about leaving then you might just start to cry. You just get ready and dread the next day. When we're leaving Tally to come back home it's the same thing - the night before we leave we always try to pack and get everything in order - that is always the worst part of the trip. If I even try to talk to someone or ask where something is or say that we had a good time then I start to cry. For me, I just have to get to the business of packing and try to make it to the next morning.
That's how I feel right now. We've been staying in our spare room (since it has a TV) while we've been sick so it was something different then normal. Today I've been cleaning up as much as I can. Picked up the spare room and returned it to its normal state - moved us back upstairs (because that's where the alarm clocks are). And it's sad to see our little vacation end - even though we didn't really "enjoy" it because we were insanely sick, it was nice to at least suffer together. Tomorrow is back to the "real world" just like when you leave visiting someone to go back home to your "real world." I know it sounds weird, but we've literally been quarantined in our house the last few days because we didn't wnat to get anyone sick and so we've really gotten to just get used to just hanging out together all day. It will be sad to go back to the "real world" tomorrow.

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