Thursday, February 21, 2008

Word for the Day.

Pejorative. I just think it's a neat word and I aim to use it more. Just a heads up. :)

In other news, while Bar studying totally and utterly sucks and I really fear I will fail, life is otherwise all rainbows, sunshine and kittens (three to be exact) - by the way, I totally stole that phrase from Melissa - I also steal her phrase "hampster sized snow" when it snows big fluffy flakes. I just couldn't be any happier then if I won the lottery. Life is just turning out the way it should. Speaking of - my mom often quotes things that as a kid you get tired of hearing by the 254th time - but one of those is from Candide (Voltaire for anyone who hasn't read it - if you're bored it's actually a decently good read) - it's something like "all things happen for the best and this the best of all possible worlds." Basically - don't bitch about anything because life is evolving exactly as it is meant to be and you'll realize how and why later. For once I actually see how this plays out perfectly.
However, even today, after I've lived more then a few years and in certain areas of life I feel like I've figured out where I stand and what I really "believe" and can really stand on my positions - destiny is still one I debate within myself. In some sense I do think we have a destiny but on the same note, I also think destiny is a bunch of crap, it's a big excuse for stupidity and we all make our own destiny by the decisions we freely make each day. I think blaming destiny for laziness or otherwise lack of initiative or desire is a big cop-out - in case anyone was interested. So still wrestling with that one.

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