Last week (or was it the week before?) I got my first speeding ticket in Missouri (to go with the 15+ from Florida) - watch out on Brentwood STL folks - though he did NOT give me a ticket for (1) the out of date tag, (2) having a Florida tag, living in Missouri, or (3) still having a Florida license. Good thing in Missouri if you know a lawyer (which I just happen to) you can get out of any ticket. :)
This week was the first time I was 16 days away from my wedding with no dress.
I also got my first complete make-up makeover last week. I had an appointment at Clinique and we went to get my wedding make-up makeover. Thankfully Marissa and Melanie were there to take copious notes so we know exactly what to do on the wedding day (that's assuming I'm actually wearing a white dress - I'm not sure what to do with my makeup if I have on jeans instead). You would never know how complicated being a girl is! I thought you could just wash your face with the soap in the shower (Zest, Irish Spring, etc.) and then put on tinted moisturizer. OH NO! No No No! There are actually about a dozen steps - take off make-up with remover, cleanse (with face soap), apply toner, apply anti-aging blue stuff, apply moisturizer, apply fountation (apparently tinter moisturizer just doesn't cut it these days), apply powder stuff (with special powder brush). And that's just your base - that's not counting the exfoliating and actual make-up part - it's all actually quite confusing.
I also ran my first race totally, how should I put this, unsober. I wasn't drunk - but I had been drinking at 2am and the race was 9am the next morning. Friday night we went out for Marissa's going away (she is moving to NJ) and we all had a good time - only problem was we didn't get to bed until after 3am - then the race was at 9am. So I ran 5 miles (not a long run, but still running) hung-over/not yet recuperated. Not to mention it was 31 degrees when the race started. Needless to say it sucked. Official time was 43:30 but that doesn't count the time it took me to get from where I was at the back of the pack to the actual start line (the clock starts at go time even though it make take everyone a few minutes to pass the start). Oh well.
And my last first for today is my first daffodils. I planted these back in the fall wondering if it would actually work - and it did! I now have daffodils. This picture is from yesterday when I only had two - today I have about 15 or 20 but it was too dark to take a picture by the time I got home. Something cheery for my not so cheery self. :)
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