Thursday, March 22, 2007

St. Pat's Day

Can you tell I downloaded my digital pictures onto the computer today? :) Anyway, here's a cool picture Cody took of the start of the St. Patrick's Day run. Thousands and thousands and thousands of people run in this race - more then a few of them drinking beer and probably already drunk (the ones not in hats and gloves as it was 31 degrees at this time). I honestly think most of these people run 5 miles per year - this one race - and then never again until next year - but hey, good for them for getting out there. :) That's Union Station (home of one of two TCBY's in the city - the other is at the airport) in the background - very very cool place to check out.
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1 comment:

Jon said...

Somehow, I wouldn't have ever gotten the urge to run five miles while drunk. Now, walking around Killearn at three in the morning completely wasted, that's my style.