Thursday, September 20, 2007

Day Three

I've made it a whole three days (almost - officially Day Three ends when I go to sleep)! I'm an addict - nothing easy to kick like crack (just a joke - I don't personally know about how hard it is to kick crack) - sugar. I have seriously had sugar every day since the wedding. And that's not unusual. Not a boat load daily - but something. I usually like a little chocolate after lunch so I keep Dove dark chocolate squares in a co-worker's office (I can't keep them in my office or the whole bag would be gone by noon) and I like to eat one (or two or three) after lunch - around 2pm I get the craving. Or sometimes I just like something sweet at home - Gummy Snacks (100% of your daily Vitamin C requirements!), Skinny Cow ice cream bars (probably not real sugar in these but it tastes like it), or something of the sort - I've given up huge ice cream sundaes, or even ice cream in general (I do get an occassional Ted Drewes custard - mini size - when we're that way) and I try to stay on the healthier (aka less calorie) side of sugar but I still can't make it a day without it. Years ago I could eat all the sugar I wanted and nothing happened - not these days - gotta watch that whole calories in v. calories out - a sick part of life but necessary so I can live to be 98 (like Cody's Great-Grandma who turned 98 last weekend - what a woman!!!).
So I realized that I really need to at least make a feable attempt to kick this habit or at least get it in check. So on Tuesday I decided no sugar. I made it - as long as you don't count the sugar in wine since I had a glass of wine to get me through my "withdrawal." Wednesday I made it - without the wine - though I did eat a yogurt (natural sugar) and grapes (more natural sugar) to kill the craving. Today I'm back to wine. So I guess I'm really just giving up "added" sugar or "refined" sugar - at least making an attempt to cut back on the damn stuff - can't avoid all the natural sugars.
Anyway, that's a lot of babble to say I'm working to cut back on my sugar consumption - that should tell you how big this is for me. I seriously love sugar. I gave up fried food years ago, I can avoid salty stuff (chips and stuff), but that sugar gets me every day. So it's been a hard fought few days but hopefully it will get easier. :)

1 comment:

maxolasersquad said...

You should check out a book called "Sugar Busters" It helps you identify items that have sugar as well as other helpful information for those looking to avoid sugar.