Sunday, September 23, 2007

Tim Tebow

Quick post. Lots going on but it will have to wait since I am BEAT from the weekend in Memphis. We went down to Memphis on Friday, partied on Beale, then to the Gator game in Oxford, Mississippi against Ole Miss (we try to see one Gator game a year and this one was close), almost cried when we almost lost, back to Beale on Saturday night, toured Memphis today and back to St. Louis. The moral of the weekend: Tim Tebow is God - or at least his 2nd child. I found these funny Tebow sayings online and I thought I would share:

Life doesn't give Tim Tebow lemons. Life asks him which fruit he wants.

Tim Tebow doesn't bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint.

Tim Tebow can eat just one Lay's Potato Chip. Don't tell Tim what he can't do.

Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Tim Tebow pajamas.

There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Tim Tebow lives in Florida.

God wanted to create the world in 10 days, Tim Tebow gave him 6.

What color is Tim Tebow's blood? Trick question. Tim Tebow does not bleed.

It takes Tim Tebow 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.

Bo knows football. Bo knows baseball. Bo does not know Tim Tebow.

Tim Tebow's tears can cure cancer ... but he's never cried. Ever.

Tim Tebow is so fast, he can run around the Earth and stiff-arm himself in the back.

The primary ingredient in Red Bull is Tim Tebow's sweat.

'Icy-Hot' is too weak for Tim Tebow. After a game, Tim Tebow rubs his muscles down with liquid-hot magma.

On a hot day, you can find Tim Tebow swimming in Lake Alice and biting the alligators.

When Tim Tebow does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down.

If at first you don't succeed, you're not Tim Tebow.

Superman's weakness is Kryptonite. Tim Tebow laughs at Superman for having a weakness.

As for us, the quote of the trip was driving from Memphis to Oxford on Saturday morning: Cody says "This place is a Crap Hole, everyone has a broken down old pick-up in their front yard. Oh, wait, that one has a broken down bus."

Fun trip - more on it later. :)

1 comment:

maxolasersquad said...

It's too bad hubris is not illegal. Taking facts about Chuck Norris and assigning them to mere mortals can be defined as nothing else.