Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Five months.

So I've been married five whole months now (and 4 days)! That makes me 1/5 a bigger expert on marriage then I was last month. :) A few notes/things I've learned about our married lives:

1. There are some tough decisions in life where there are no right or wrong answers. Actually there are decisions where there are no answers at all and you still have to figure out what to do. Being married makes these decisions easier - or if nothing else, at least when you make the wrong one you always have someone to blame.

2. Boys, especially boy engineers, are different. For instance, what do you call the things that stay in each person's car that you snap a baby's car seat into? I swear to you that 99 out of 100 people would say "base." Because it's the base for the car seat. Not an engineer - it's a "docking station." For some reason I think that is fan-didly-tastic hilarious.

3. There will never be enough time in the world to spend with the people you love. Cody and I could live to be 400 and it still wouldn't be enough time. My greatest fear in life is the day he dies (morbid, yes, but chances are, barring any disaster, he, as a male and tall, will die before me) and I have to go at it alone.

4. Our kids will most definitely: a) Go to UF (or Ivy League), b) love and/or be good at math, c) have thick, brown, curly hair, d) have enough energy to fill an ocean (we both move non-stop - case in point: Cody, while talking to his parents Sunday night, proceeded to stir (non-stop) my soup that instructed me to "stir ocassionally" - that was one mixed up soup), e) probably love their beer a bit too much, f) like sports/moving around/sweating/athletics, g) hate TV (or at least not love it since they will have very limited access to it, given our now one television), h) be eons behind technology (we have ancient cell phones, a PlayStation One, and a 25 inch TV), i) love their health food - either that or they won't eat :) . I'm sure there's more but I can't think of them now.

5. Cody's thing he's learned since getting married: That officially getting married changed nothing. It was the committement we made before getting married that was important. The decision to spend the rest of our lives together was much more important then the wedding and/or marriage, except that it made insurance and taxes easier. The big deicsion/change for him was proposing and making that leap. The actually marriage wasn't that big.

6. That you just have to work things out. Whether it be money or school or work or chores or friends or the cats, you just have to work it out - and nicely - because you'll presumably be together forever and there are no do-overs and things you say can have life-long impacts, so choose those words very carefully and if you aren't in a position to chose words carefully then just walk away.

7. That still, after five months, it's so much easier (and more fun and relaxing) then I ever thought possible.

Happy Five Months - and counting!

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