Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Knee Update.

Yes, I still hate my knee and am anxiously awaiting the WebMD article about the newest and bestest Bionic Knees that last forever and that are better then normal knees. But until then:
I had the MRI on Thursday - no torn meniscus but the IT band and a thing called the Poplilus (sp?) tendon have "bright spots." I suppose that's doctor speak for inflammation. So back to Square One (anyone old enough to remember that show - only if you were told PBS was the only station we got (which was almost true) by your parents and therefor actually watched PBS). I started seeing the chiropractor yesterday (contrary to Cody's insistence they do more then crack bones) - he "released" the tendons so damn hard (deep tissue massage I think he called it) that I have a bruise bigger then my hand on the side of my leg/knee. But allegedly it should break up the scar tissue that's tightening/injuring/hurting my tendons. Today I started back to physical therapy - more butt/leg strengthening. You'd think with a butt as big as mine (I look nothing like my mom's side of the family - except that I have the "Booth Butt" as they call it (the family name is "Booth") - thanks guys for the extra large butt - I couldn't get the green eyes or something cool - but the large butt!) that it would have to be pretty strong- wrong assumption. Apparently a weak butt leads to weak hips which while you may have the strongest quads known to women, leads to legs/knees that turn inward, thus putting strain on said knees and tendons. Too complicated - just fix my damn knee already! Anyway, back to physical therapy some more to see if we can get this thing working like normal. I swear this is really wearing on me - it's so frustrating to love to do something and not be able to do it.

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