Sunday, January 06, 2008

In case I don't say it enough.

In case I don't say it enough, my husband is, hands down, the greatest man on this planet (at least for me). Seriously. He's hilarious - he has me cracking up all day, every day. He's just funny. The way he tells stories, the quotes he comes up with, the way he plays with the cats, it keeps me laughing all the time. I could spend pages and pages reciting the hilarious things he does and says. You can never be too serious for too long because he just lightens any mood.
He's not a romantic guy (but I'm not that type of girl so it works just fine), but he's the most thoughtful person you'll ever see. Over Christmas he sits and talks to my grandma for hours - he loves her stories and actually listens to her. Everything he does, he does with our future and us in mind. When he makes a hilarious homemade humidifier he thinks to at least use a baking sheet I don't like. :) He supports me in my quests to eat better, work out more or any other thing I set my mind too - he reminds me nicely that I asked him to help me and I appreciate that. He gets excited about health food because I get excited about health food. He even calls from the grocery store to find out where the hummus is in the store.
He pretends to hate the cats, but then refuses to move them over when they are totally stealing a large portion of his side of the bed. Even if he's running late, he'll take a minute to pet Mr. Pickles because Mr. Pickles needs all the petting she can get because she's one totally messed up cat (the other two pick on her). He can actually call the cats and have them come to him. He can call a CAT - what the heck - cats do not get called - not by me at least - but he can call the cats. They absolutely love him. Wiggles (aka Co-Dependent Kitty) can't be out of the room with him for more then a few minutes without going nuts - she licks her belly raw when he's not around (even the vet confirmed this).
Even after all the years we've spent together, we can still spend an entire weekend together and not drive each other crazy and just be happy to be together - even with nothing flashy going on, we enjoy just "being." We've mastered communication with each other. With our years behind us we've learned that we don't need to fight to work things out. We did enough of that the first time we dated. :) Not to say we don't disagree or argue at times, but we honestly don't fight anymore - we just figure out the problem and deal. We are most perfectly comfortable with each other - we can sit quietly in a room together and be okay with that, we can run crazy hectic errands and love doing it, we can be at parties and not see each other the whole night, we can be in separate rooms, separate buildings or separate cities and be okay with that too. We enjoy our time alone together, our time with friends and we understand the need for time apart as well.
The guy just rocks. This is what I wanted for marriage and I think I got it. Not to say we didn't take a long time to get here. We did. We went through our trials and tribulations. We paid our dues. We waited to get married until we knew 100% that we were ready and on the right track. We were even engaged for 18 months to give ourselves time to get used to that. But now that we're here, now that all of that is behind us and we're sitting solid here, it sure is nice. He is truly my partner in all aspects of my life. No number of years with him will ever be enough.

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