Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I was "tagged!" Since I didn't know what exactly this entailed either, I'll tell you.

The Rules: Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. My friend and super fantastic, smart, witty and poignant friend, Melissa tagged me.
Then: Share 5 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
or Share the 5 top places on your “want to see or want to see again” list.
or Share 5 things you never pictured being in your future when your were 25 years old.

I think I'm going to do a mixture of the above (althought it's technically not in the rules):

Random/Weird Facts:

1. When I was younger (like before middle school) I was dead set convinced that I would be the first woman president. I seriously thought of issues I would address, problems I would fix, etc. But alas, damn that Hillary might beat me to it. :)

2. I'm totally OCD about some really stupid stuff - like a friend told me a story about one of her friends, when she was a kid, accidently turned on the dryer with the family cat in it - needless to say it didn't end well - so I double check the dryer every time I put a load in to make sure there's not a cat in there. That's really stupid but I just don't want to ever open the dryer and find a dead cat - that would just be really really really creepy.

3. All three cats sleep in bed with us - every single night (during the summer they will sometimes stay downstairs if it's too hot upstairs) - two of them normally under the covers. We cannot for the life of us break them of this habit.

4. I can remember lots from when I was a pretty tiny kid. Like when I burned the palms of my hand on the KFC (known back then as still "Kentucky Fried Chicken") burners when I was less then 2 years old. And our house in Ocala which we only lived in until I was two. And tons and tons of stuff from ages 5 up. Speaking of memory, I can't remember names to save my life but can remember the clothes I had on at Cody's birthday last year - or where he left his jacket two days ago - or all sorts of random things - but never names or where I left my car keys.

5. Fish make me calm. Cody always tries to get rid of our fish tanks (yes, plural - we have several) because they are a lot of work, but watching them swim around really makes me chill out.

Top Places on the "want to see or want to see again" list:

1. Want to see again - Rome - because I think Cody would totally love it and I would love to share that with him.

2. Want to see - Greece - the pictures just look cool.

3. Want to see - more of the US. For years I have been obsessed about visiting other countries - rightfully so though since it is so fun and such a neat experience - but with the dollar insanely weak and little to no vacation time and being all grown up now, I think I want to make an effort to see more of the US. Old Faithful anyone?

Things I never pictured being in my future when I was 25 years old:

1. St. Louis - never in a million years would I have thought I would live in St. Louis, Missouri - or any part of Missouri for that matter - or any part of the Midwest. But I'm glad I do because it's given me an outlook and exposure to things I never would have had.

2. Gray hair. I found one. Don't go freaking out - it was just one. But I always thought that I would somehow avoid that part of the aging process - wishful thinking I suppose.

3. Going back a few years before 25, I never pictured law school or law in my future. Some kids want to be lawyers from the time they enter college (these people should be shot -just kidding) - not me - I graduated undergrad and had not a clue what I wanted to do and law just seemed the easy thing to do. I know, I'm a moron.

4. Again going back to a few years before 25, I never thought in a hundred million years Cody and I would end up back together. When we broke up it wasn't like we kept in great touch and still hung out - no- we were actually really over - we both dated other people and had "moved on." Even though the thought of him was always in the back of my mind and I always thought of what it would like to date him again, I thought that realistically the chances of us both being single at the same time ever again was slim to none. Guess we proved that wrong. Some things just happen for a reason.

5. My blog. I didn't even know what a blog was when I was 25. And now I'm strangely attached to mine - and other people's. I think it's a cool way to talk things out to yourself/everyone else, and a great way to keep in touch with other people - people that you may have lost touch with otherwise.

I’m also supposed to tag other people, so how about Jon, Lauren and Mesa?

1 comment:

mesa said...

uh oh this is a first for me- so uh.. I'll give it a shot!