Sunday, January 06, 2008

My little genius.

Cody's my little genius. The kid just thinks up the craziest of things. I really do think that one day he's going to come up with this great idea, patent it and we're going to be rich and retire at 40 (it was 30 but he'll be 29 this month so I don't see that happening). Anyway, he's just nuts. This weekend he decided we needed a humidifier - because it's winter and my hands look like I'm 98 years old, my nose looks like it was roughed up with sandpaper and my throat sounds like a frog. So instead of doing the normal people thing of going to the store and buying one - he made one. Not kidding. He took a baking sheet (he said he picked one that he thought I didn't like), filled it with water, put it on top of four cups so it was off the floor and put the space heater blowing on it. That was magically supposed to make the water evaporate into the air better. Okay, go figure. Anyway, in light of this, yesterday I made him go to Bed, Bath and Beyond (guys everywhere are hurting for him) and we got a real humidifier - which actually works - quite well. So hopefully we will survive this winter afterall.

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