Wednesday, January 30, 2008


So everyone knows that I hate Wal-Mart. And I don't hate it because I'm snobby or "too good" for it or because of the mostly negative societal impact is has on America and all that jazz - I hate it because I used to love it - I loved the cheap plastic crap - I loved just shopping there - back when it was seemingly enjoyable (that was also when I was younger, had more time and patience). Now the service sucks, the products mostly suck and the whole experience just sucks. So I avoid it. But tonight we needed a few odds and ends (plus I wanted to prove to Cody that our Wal-Mart, that is NOT a Super Wal-Mart, now sells beer - a 24 pack of "The Beast" for less then $10 - he marveled for about 10 mintues at the beer/wine aisle - I kid you not we walked up and down it three times just so he could take it all in - simple pleasures, folks, simple pleasures) so we went up to the Maplewood Wal-Mart (which a friend kindly refers to as the "Maple-hood" Wal-Mart - funny thing is it is surrounded by some of the the richest neighborhoods in the county). So we went to Wal-Mart right after I worked out and sweated for quite a while, but I didn't want to take a shower because I figured (1) I never see anyone I know there and (2) everyone else there smells so I wouldn't stand out. So I smelled, had no makeup and looked totally ratty and we saw not one, not two, but FOUR of our friends there. It was like a social gathering at the Wal-Mart on a Wednesday night! So now I feel dumb for looking like a totally ratty lazy person at Wal-Mart. Anyway, that was a good story at the beginning, but upon writing it down, it turned out not that funny, with no real point - sorry to waste your time. :) It was just a funny moment to see everyone in a Wal-Mart I NEVER see anyone in.

1 comment:

mesa said...

I hate Wal-Mart too I really do I haven't bought anything from there in about 2 1/2 yrs.
I guess the moral to your story: your friends don't hate it so watch what you wear. Anyways- I bet they didn't mind seeing you in your workout clothes- it's not like you have to get dressed up to go to Wal-Mart :)