Friday, April 13, 2007

Favorite Wedding Cards

Here are some of my favorite passages from wedding cards so far. Yes, some people actually do READ the cards - Cody was shocked and appalled at this concept. But then again I'm the person who insists on taking at least 30 minutes to write every single thank you card so I can adequately determine what I want to say and how I can convey that to the individual person - I seriously put a lot of thought into them, so I hope people know that whatever I say, I really mean. So if you're waiting on a thank you card from me, hang tight - I'm working on it but it's a slow, though thoughtful, process.

From Aunt Bev, Matt and Jessica:
Marriage: A journey beginning where two pathways meet, Where hopes are exciting and feelings are sweet, A new world unfolds at the joining of two, In the beautiful promise of marriage, "I do."
May you always know the kind of love that brought you to this day - a love that is built on trust, a love that is unafraid of sharing and compromise . . . a love that holds the promise of still greater happiness with every passing year.

From Bobbie and Joe Frank (this one's long but worth the read if you're feeling sentimental about your new marriage):
How to make a beautiful life together: Let love be your shelter. The world is noisy and confusing at times, so make a home that is a haven, a peaceful place where you can listen to your hearts and savor the comfortable closeness you share.
No matter how busy your days may be, make time for yourselves. Hold hands. Unwind. Surprise each other. Find little chances every day to show you're grateful to be partners, to be friends, to be married.
Life is not perfect. You will make mistakes, but each time you meet life's challenges together, you will grow wiser, stronger, and surer of your love.
Cherish your yesterdays. They are irreplaceable souvenirs of your journey through life. Make memories that will bring smiles and signs whenever you look back. (Look back often!)
Look forward too. Dream together. Plan together. Make promises to keep. Believe in your tomorrows, because tomorrows are what forever is made of.
To make love last, put each other first. This is the way to make a beautiful life together, the kind of life you both desrve so much.

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