Friday, April 13, 2007

Wedding Post #3 - The Rehearsal

Honestly I don't remember too terribly much about it - it was all a very distorted blur. That might be a good thing - call it a coping mechanism. :)

We had the rehearsal at Maclay Gardens - site of the wedding the next day - and then had the rehearsal dinner at the Gardener's Cottage a short walk away. We got there early and pretty much just set everything up. Cody had his "Game Over" shirt on and I had a white eyelet dress on - it was a bit chilly for Florida but I survived. We all headed over to the gardens, only to find another group there already rehearsing. Well, you see, they wanted to charge me $75 an hour to reserve the place in the (public) garden to have the rehearsal and I thought that was ridiculous so I just banked on no one being there - I guess I banked wrong. But it turned out fine because there's ended at 6 pm which is right when our's was supposed to start anyway.

The officiant (who is AWESOME - if you get married in Tally and need an officiant I highly recommend him) ran us through a short but sweet rehearsal of the ceremony. I thought I'd be really uptight and worried about getting everything down perfect but I really just trusted the whole thing to him at that point and he took care of things.

After the reheasal we headed back to the cottage for a dinner of Sonny's BBQ - my favorite! I think it was good but am not too sure because by this time I was so stressed I had seriously lost all my taste buds - nothing really had a taste at all. But I ate because I was told I needed to. :) Sometime around dinner time things start getting blurry. I remember sitting at a table with my friends wondering why they all came all this way for this stupid wedding and then I was outside crying to Cody that I "just wanted to go home" - over and over and over again. I was just done with wedding hell - I wanted to go to the courthouse and I wanted to be back in my own house and back to my own life and out of wedding hell. I just wanted to get in the car and head home to St. Louis - it's not that I didn't want to get married - I wanted very much to get married - I just wanted the wedding hell to be over and I didn't want to deal with one more little thing. So he calmed me down enough for me to walk inside, only to start crying again. Luckily I think it was Cody's sister who was there that time to save me. She talked some sense into me (it totally helped that she had been through all this 6 years ago - so she had credibility) and then we moved forward. I tried not to talk much or look at people much because then I just wanted to cry more - so I sat, relatively quiet for me, and chilled. Sara made delicious Chocolate Eclair Cake for dessert and with it we had a fabulous ice cream bar - with all sorts of ice cream and toppings. It would have been great, but again, I couldn't taste anything. :)
After the dinner was over and most of the people left we had the core group ready to get moving on the rest of the "to do" list. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, Sara ran to Walgreens to get my prescription filled while Cody, Marissa, Melanie and I went to Wal-Mart. We ran through the garden department gathering every flower in the wedding colors - the we collected some hair products for Marissa, some picture frames for seating charts, more ribbon and we were off. We met up with everyone at the hotel and got to work!

Marissa was in charge of writing out the names for each table on a sheet of paper to go in the frames, while Sara, Donna, Mommy, Melanie and I did the wrapping paper around the pots (see above picture). They turned out better then I even expected - I just wanted very simple centerpieces - real flowers so I could plant them and then a touch of decoration and uniformity with the wrapping. After those projects we moved on to the veil. Here it was midnight before my wedding and I wanted a single strand of beads all the way around the veil. Yes, I'm insane. Weddings do that to you. :) So at first I was going to sew a row on one by one. Everyone looked like they were going to tar and feather me. So then I conceeded that maybe we could glue them on one by one - everyone was more receptive to this idea but still considered me insane. At this point my mom was leaving to go to bed, so I walked her to the elevator and started bawling again - go figure. So she tried her best to calm me down and then Cody came to help out and about 20 minutes later when they got me in a workable state, I returned to the reception room - only to find Marissa and Melanie had totally finished my veil. It was wonderful - it's truely one of a kind. They just ran a glob of glue all the way around and dumped beads on it. They thought I was going to be mad, but I was actually quite relieved. They took it to my room and took a hair dryer to it and it was done. I had a "designer" veil. This is one of those stories I'll be telling my grandkids one day - about the night my friends glued beads on my wedding veil. :) A girl couldn't ask for better friends.

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