Saturday, April 14, 2007

Wedding Post #3 - Addendum

Three things to add to the last post:
(1) I don't want anyone to think for one second that I ever questioned getting married (especially at the rehearsal dinner). I was never upset or crying about getting married - I was often upset about the wedding, but never about getting married. I've known I wanted to marry Cody for so long it's amazing. There was never a question in my mind that I would spend the rest of my life with him and that this was the best decision I would ever make in my life - the wedding was a different story - it was stressful - most of it was likely self-induced but however it came it was stressful. At that point I was insanely stressed about the wedding - we had literally gotten about 3 hours of sleep the night before and I was at the end of every rope I had. I was dead dead dead tired (not only from the night before but the weeks preceeding as well) and crazy emotional (girl's get that way the day before they get married) and that's the whole reason I wanted "to go home" as I told Cody 100 times - I was just beat - I wanted to rest and be away from the madness.
(2) Piggy backing on that thought - I never thought I would say this, but all the stress, all the work, all the effort and planning - and crying - was 200% worth it. My wedding day was honestly the best day of my life (not to say I wouldn't go back and change a detail here and there if I could) - so far. :) It was worth every bit of stress, every long night, every bit of lack of sleep, every craft project and every penny - I wouldn't trade those memories and that day for the world.
(3) And just a last thought that I forgot to add. Just a testiment to our lack of sleep and total head-in-the-clouds-ness (is that a word?) - we totally meant to give out parents gifts and bridal party gifts at the rehearsal and never even got around to it - we totally forgot. This is one of the things I would go back and change - make a toast to our parents and bridal party, give gifts, express our appreciation appropriately - but as our officiant says, "With a wedding there are no mistakes, only memories." So we ended up sort of handing them gifts in a rush the day of the wedding while getting dressed and we didn't get the parent's gifts out until Sunday night. Actually since we didn't see my dad on Sunday (he lives in Sopchoppy which is not in Tally or even remotely close to an interstate) we had to mail him his package this week - so he likely still hasn't seen his gift. :) Such is life and weddings. At least it's all over and I can look back and laugh and enjoy it now. :)

1 comment:

Jon said...

I told you!! Check the old comment, but I'm pretty sure I said that it'd be stressful, and not everything would go right, but in the end, it would all be worth it. See? I told you so!