Sunday, November 04, 2007

More on Football.

A bit of football commentary here. This season is just WEIRD!! Seriously the strangest season ever. All sorts of crazy games - and crazy rankings. You have what should be top 10 teams unranked and teams that are never ranked in the top 10 (Quack Attack, anyone???). LSU loses to Kentucky who is the quintessential whipping boy of the SEC. FSU who can't seem to beat anyone beats #2 Boston College. USF was at some point ranked #2 (what where they thinking!!!). Colorado beats Oklahoma but can't win another game. Notre Dame is now 1-7 and lost to NAVY - who would have ever seen that coming (yeah, I bet on Notre Dame this week - one of my 8 losses). And it goes on and on and on. Strange strange season. The way it looks right now for the Gators, if Georgia and Tennessee lose another game we'll have a three loss team in the SEC Championship Game - everyone keeps beating up everyone else. Strange strange football year.

1 comment:

mesa said...

i can't keep up with the college football. I'm an NFL girl.. this year isn't weird for us it's just unusual.. our team is 7-1 right now. I'm loving every minute of it but every Sunday I am stressed!