Monday, November 28, 2005

Another Corn Country First

Well, we got back from Tally late last night, only to arrive to a torrential downpour, complete with hail and wind that about knocked me over. Right as we were about to lay down to go to sleep the wind, rain and hail really kicked up and all of a sudden alarms just started going off everywhere. They were incredibly loud and seemed to be coming from every direction. I, being from Florida, had no clue what was going on so Cody clued me in and told me to get to the basement. Apparently a tornado had been sighted so the tornado alarms were going off all over the neighborhood. So we got the cats and the laptop (hoping to get an update on the internet) and headed to the basement to hang out until it was over. Luckily we were only stuck there a few minutes and then a loud voice told us it was over and to tune into the radio for more information. It really reminded me of the drills in elementary school though I never knew I'd actually hear the siren for real. Another corn country first. I'll write about out Thanksgiving whirlwind extravaganza later - too tired now.

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