Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Today I was bound and determined to finish our upstairs spare room. Cody's folks came up the week of July 4th and were nice enough to paint the entire wall space of the room - ceiling and walls - so all I've had to do since then (in the past FOUR months) is paint the stupid trim. Well, I can't think of any good excuse why it hasn't gotten done yet except that we just haven't gotten around to it. So for the past month I've been trying to do a little here and a little there and slowly but surely it's coming along. I must at least note there was a lot more to do then just paint the trim since we had to take out one of the windows to get my bed upstairs so in addition to simply painting we had to insulate the window we took out, nail all the trim back on, caulk around all the trim and THEN paint. So this weekend I painted the second coat on one window, painted the first on the other window and did both coats on the last remaining door. So all I have left is one coat on one window!!! Yippee! This week I want to go through all the boxes in the spare room and find everything a home (it's mostly my craft stuff) and then we have two rooms done (in over 5 months). :)

Other then fun with paint, Cody had the playoffs for his soccer team today. They won the first game at 1pm and then had to play a second game right after at 2pm. Unfortunately they didn't manage to win the championship game, though they only lost 4-3. I'd like to add Cody played goalie (or I suppose they're called "keepers" in soccer) in the second half and had a complete shutout! Way to go Giraffe Keeper!!! Anyway they did a great job and still won $25 at Krieger's to celebrate (which split between everyone ended up being $2.50 each - not even enough for a beer). Now that it's getting cold, it's on to indoor soccer and for me running on a treadmill. :)

Then there were of course the mandatory Sunday errands - fun fun. Off to work tomorrow - at least I get to drive to Columbia so I won't be trapped in the office all day.

1 comment:

missy said...

I think I painted your bathroom for Mother's Day 2003??? Does that sound right?