Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The joys of homeownership (did I say "joys"?)

Ahhh... you hear about the joys of homeownership. While, yes, a house may be a metaphorical piggy bank where you deposit money dutifully every month (after interest eats half of your payment of course) that goes into this abstract "equity" which you may or may not be able to get to one day (depending on the housing market), it can be a big pain sometimes too. First all this money that you've "saved" seems to get eaten up in a million tiny things that houses need - window blinds, for instance - which makes you think in the end if you're really even saving money. And then it's the never ending chores - not that I'm complaining because I LOVE our house, it's just a lot of work, after being at work all day anyway. And since we bought a house older then my grandma I think it's even more work. Yesterday I came home, worked on unpacking some boxes in the spare room, cleaned the living room, hooked up my stereo so I could listen to my record player downstairs (yes, I love my records - I got this stereo for my 12th birthday and it still works and when it dies I will cry because I'll have to find out where in the US I can buy a record player cheap), did 4 loads of laundry (how two people can amass such dirty laundry is an entire essay in itself), worked through some boxes in the dining room (looking for the records), and then scrubbed (really really scrubbed, hands and knees scrubbed) the kitchen floor because while I can't wait to replace it I have to live with it now and it was dirty dirty. Then today it's back to painting the spare room trim and seeing if I can ever get that room done.
Remind me again why buying a house is a good idea . . . Just kidding :)


Jon said...

Hey Missy. Jon here. Finally found your page after sifting through my comments for the month of October.
I'll be checking in.

missy said...

Thanks Jon! I'll be checking out your site too! Good luck on the whole newlywed thing!