Saturday, November 05, 2005

Weekend Fun . . .

Last night (Friday) we went to City Museum (, which is by far my favorite place in STL, with our friends Marissa (new to STL - a fellow attorney who moved here for her engineer boyfriend) and Cassidy (the engineer boyfriend - works with Cody). I absolutely LOVE that place - it's like a big playground for adults - it involves a lot of crawling around. I think even if I had kids I wouldn't let them play there until they were at least 8 or 9 out of fear that they would get hurt there because they didn't recognize their limits (the possiblities of hurting yourself are plenty there). There is so much to climb around on and slide on - there are three story slides that are amazing - I would love the meet the dude or dudete who designed that place. Anyway, it was a great time for me (because I swear the place was made for me) and I think everyone else had a good time too. :)

Today (Saturday) we ran errands in the morning - me to Wal-Mart, Target, Schnucks and Michaels while Cody worked on the cars - and then went to Meghan and Danny's to watch the FSU v. NC State game (much to my dismay, FSU lost yet again to an unranked team). They are due with their first kid (Elizabeth Lynn is the name so far) at the end of the month. Meghan is looking absolutely great for being so far along and seems to be doing really well with the pregnancy and the idea of having a baby (whereas I would be freaking out daily at this point - especially since Cody and I can barely care for the cats, fish and turtles we have now, much less a kid!). I'm so excited for the two of them and so happy they're starting a family together. The baby's room is looking great and they seem all ready and set for her to be here - even Danny is really excited about her arriving and helping with taking care of her (what a guy!). :)

After hanging out with them for a while we went to Sabrina's 3oth birthday party. It was quite a good time. As people arrived we put together this sort of picture guest book/scrapbook for the party which I think turned out all right - I was really excited about it and spent a ton of time gathering the supplies for it so I was happy she seemed to enjoy it. I got a scrapbook and Cody cut black sheets of paper for the pages and as people arrived I took their picture with a Polaroid Izone and glued them to a sheet of paper and had them write messages - then she has a memory book of the party. Anyway, all in all the party turned out good and a good time was had by all. I was thrilled her mom and stepdad were able to make it because they're just great people and she's really close to them so I'm sure it meant a lot to her. Well, so far that's our weekend - I can't believe it's only Saturday night and it seems we've done enough to fill an entire week. :)

Have a good night!

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