Monday, November 14, 2005

More weekend fun

Wow - it's been a few days since I posted on my bloggy thing and I actually missed it. Gasp! Anyway, some quick updates - Thursday I had a Young Lawyer's Division Happy Hour at a bar downtown - bar was cute -happy hour was okay. Lawyer's just freak me out. Sabrina and I had sushi for dinner since we were out without our men and they hate it and we love it. :)
Friday I had a Girl's Night out - we went to the Melting Pot (my 1st time) - pricey for what you get but sort of fun - definitely cool for a girl's night but if Cody and I had gone it would have been way too much money. The best part is the chocolate fondue at the end - I think next time I'm just going for dessert. Friday night Cody had Boy's Poker Night at the Dude's house - Dude won $10 off of him. :( There goes our carpet money. :)
Saturday was a sad, sad day for Missy and Cody land. FSU lost to Clemson (yes, that's the THIRD unranked team they've lost to this year) and UF lost to a surprisingly respectable South Carolina team (also unranked but led by the old ball coach, Spurier). So we were both pretty devastated - yes, it's pathetic we can get devastated by football, but that's what being raised in the south will do to you. :) Then we went shopping for Cody some jeans which was way more difficult then it should have been. We found some fits he really likes and that looked good on him, got them at Dillard's, only to find them $10 cheaper at Famous Barr and have to go return the Dillard's ones (this process is an entire essay in incompetence in itself -yes, I can claim they were morons because I worked retail for many many years). What an ordeal. Upon coming home a girlfriend was having a boy crisis so I went to help her (complete with the requiste Ted Drewes that will soothe any girl's heart) and Cody hung around until I got back and we went out with the boys to Johnie Gittos - south city, enough said (for those of you who don't understand south city, it's an essay for a later time). We ended up not getting home until after 4 am since the guys insisted on going to Del Taco after going out (that's a Taco Bell rip-off for folks not from St. Louis - and since I'm not boycotting them we can go there).
Sunday, Cody woke up at 3 PM - yep, that's three hours after noon, a few hours before most folks eat dinner - go Cody!!! We went to the Botanical Gardens, which is really a wondeful place. Cody even enjoyed it - he figured it would just be a bunch of flowers but it is really a nicely landscaped park of sorts. We pretty much just saw the Climatron (aka feels like Florida - my fave place in STL), the Japaneese Garden (mondo big fish), and the maze (very cool maze built in bushes). I'll post pictures on the website either today or tomorrow. Then Jon and Lori came over with Michael, now a cute as a button 6 months old. Cody is so great with kids and we had a fun time playing with him. Then it was dinner and cleaning only to wake up and go again today.
Yippee!!! Tonight we're off to see a movie at the St. Louis International Film Festival - I'll let everyone know how it goes.

p.s. Tuppis, the fat cat has just now managed to get herself stuck in the entertainment center in the slot with the Playstation. It's hillarious watching her try to figure out how to back herself up to get out. . . this could take a while. :)

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