Sunday, April 09, 2006

13.1 in 2:07

I finished. In 2 hours and 7 minutes. In my last post I said I ran a 2:15 last year - I double checked that online and it was actually 2:18, so this year's goal was to simply run 5 minutes faster. I actually ran 11 minutes faster - which, while it's still not incredibly fast (I think it's a 9:45 pace), is almost a minute a mile off of last year's time. That's pretty substantial, especially considering I typically run a very tight 10 minute mile on my training runs. I was pleased, but beat by the end. I don't think I could have run another 2 feet since I really pushed it at the end. Currently I feel like I was run over by a bus - a very large bus full of very heavy people. But it's worth it I suppose. I feel accomplished - now on to the marathon - after I let my sprained ankle and shin splints heal from my current training regime.
A few notes (more for my personal record and log book then reader enjoyment):
It was cold, but once we got downtown (always hotter in the city), in the group of people and in the sun it actually warmed up quite a bit. I ran in lined track pants and I really could have gone for shorts - I didn't necessarily overheat, but I would have been more confortable (and faster) in shorts. I started off with a long sleeve running shirt, a t-shirt and sweater, with gloves - by the time I saw Cody at about the 1/2 mile mark, I handed him the t-shirt, sweater and gloves. After seeing Cody at the 1/2 mile mark, we ran through Soulard, to the Brewery and back - over the bridge on Tucker (bridges not fun = big hills). After being converted to the joys of Gatorade at the race last year, I opted for Gatorade at all the water stops. While it was energizing and refreshing, I think it was the new Gatorade Endurance which is more syrupy then the regular stuff - syrupy not good on tummies (at least not mine since I don't drink soda which I think is syrupy). I ran the first mile in 9 minutes and realized I needed to seriously slow it down if I was going to finish. I was much better at hills this year after training in Forest Park instead of Creve Coeur park - I actually powered up them and passed a lot of people there. After looping the brewery, I passed Cody again at about mile 6.5 near the starting line. It's always encouraging to see people you know - you look forward to it and it really mentally helps you through a while afterwards. After that it was a long stretch out Market Street all the way past the interstate, to Taylor (a few blocks from our house). I swear the entire way out seemed uphill - no joke. Which made the run back easier but really wore me out going out. I was doing pretty good by mile 9, I knew I was going faster then I expected. At mile 10 I started to pick it up a little since my goal was to finish with nothing left. Last year I felt so great when I finished I could have run a few more miles - the goal this year was to give it all and finish with nothing. By the time I hit 11 miles, I was no longer watching the crowd and totally ignoring water stations, I was just concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other - and quickly. About mile 12 a crappy song came on my mp3 player and I didn't even have the energy to lift my arm and hit "next." I was going for all out. Cody met me at mile 13 and run with me as I sprinted towards the finish line. I though I was going to fall down after stopping. I was spent. I got my chip cut off my shoe (instead of just doing the race clock they put a chip on your shoe so your "chip time" doesn't actually start until you cross the starting mats - and since I didn't cross the starting mats until the three minute mark it gives you an accurate time for those not in the front (there are 8000 trying to cross the start line at the same time - I was in the middle of that bunch). I was excited to get my bagel and cookies at the end (they were great last year), but the bagel was hard and the cookies were not present. I, of course, was disappointed since I had just burned approximately 1300 calories and I wanted a cookie! :)
So that's the story of the race. Now it's nap time and then go to Cody's soccer game at 11:20 pm. That's the latest game he has this year - of course it just has to be on the day I run my race.

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