Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The End of an Era

Well, it had to end at some point. As sad as it is, I suppose I must put myself back together and move on. They finally took my ufl.edu email address away. Mind you I last graduated that school in 2003 and you're supposed to lose the address after 6 months, but after begging them not to delete it then, they are finally done hearing my pleas, and have deleted my email address. I first realized it on Saturday when Cody's mom was trying to email me a recipe and it wouldn't show up on in my inbox - nothing would. So I tried WebMail and it said my email wasn't working - mind you, this has happened before and it was just a ufl glitch - so I waited and waited and still this morning I could not get onto my email. I finally emailed them and was informed they have once and for all deleted my address. Problem is, that's the only address anyone I know has ever known. I've had the address since 1997! So, now I have to have it forwarded for a few months until they even delete the forwarding capabilities. On the bright side, that email address was getting about 150 spam messages a day so now at least I can start fresh again. Right now I'm signing up for a alumni.ufl.edu address which will forward to any address I pick so I can change it over time. I think it's going to be missy@alumni.ufl.edu. Anyway, I must go back to my mourning now.

1 comment:

Jon said...

That is sad news. I've used the same screen name since 1998, and just jumped around to different hosts. My condolences to you.