Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Ghetto Computer

Check out our ghetto comptuer! The stupid hinge broke - not just not working properly, but the top of the computer (where you see the duct tape) physically broke off from the hinge. So, in the interest of saving money (to spend in Germany and on the wedding) and prolonging the life of the computer until we can afford a new one (which could be a very long time), I hot glued the hinge back on the frame and then put enough duct tape on the darn thing to even impress my brothers (Bo made himself a wallet completely out of duct tape and I think David made a pair of shoes out of duct tape - I guess we're a duct tape family). The only problem is that it really doesn't provide enough support to open and close the monitor much or hold the screen up so we have to prop the monitor up when we want to use the computer (Cody uses a big jar to prop it open when it's on the table and I just put a big pillow behind it when I'm sitting down with the comptuer on my lap). Ghetto? No, Ingenuity. So that's why the updates have been sparse lately on the website and the blogs have been fewer - harder to use the ghetto computer (not to mention the constant business and lack of sleep). Posted by Picasa

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