Monday, April 10, 2006


6 - number of my scarfs found around on the floor (in various rooms) while cleaning
1 - number of scarfs on the coat rack (where they belong)
2 - number of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers I went through wiping our cabinets, walls and stair rails (only where needed)
2 - number of milk cap rings found while sweeping the dining room (where Cody eats cereal every morning)
2 - number of dining room chairs without paper stacked in them, before I started cleaning
0 - number of dining room chairs without paper stacked in them, after I was finished cleaning
2 - cans of wet food I had to give the cats to keep them off the floors I was moping
3 - number of cats that couldn't resist walking on my still wet, cleanly mopped floors
12 - days worth of mail currently stacked on the dining room table
6 - number of tax returns we have to file (one each for federal, state and city) -yes, Florida people, we pay a lot of tax in Missouri
1 - number of tax returns we've finished (my federal)
4 - days until Tax Day
One not number related point of interest:
Air Bear - Cody's name for his new golf club (his 3 wood)
109 - Cody's first golf score last year (on 9 holes)
49 - Cody's goal this year in golf (on 9 holes)

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