Monday, May 29, 2006

Crazy Weekend

I didn't even realize this picture was on my camera until I downloaded the pictures tonight, but I realized it tells the story of the entire weekend.

As most know, we went to Tally this weekend to take the cats to my moms so she can watch them while we're in Germany (we decided that 18 days was just too long to leave them by themselves) and to finalize some wedding details. Needless to say, it was quick and busy. We intended to leave as early as possible on Friday, but of course we ended up heading out much later then anticipated. After arriving in Florida Saturday morning we did some sleeping, checked out our wedding reception site, the wedding ceremony site, did dinner with my mom's family on Saturday, Cody's family on Sunday, and then drove back today. This picture was taken Sunday night at Cody's sister's house. She gave me a bunch of bachelorette stuff for my birthday so I was wearing the veil and just crashed (I was beat - after the 13 hour drive and then not getting enough sleep). The cutest part of the picutre is that Baylee (our ADORABLE three year old niece) brought her blanket over and covered me up. How cute. Lots of news from the weekend - will write more on it tomorrow.

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