Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Corn Country

As most of you know, I fondly refer to my current residence as Corn Country. In the winter, it's Cold Corn Country. Yes, I live in a state where one of the biggest income producers is corn. Sounds fun, doesn't it? Anyway, I've been working in my yard a lot lately (instead of running) trying to finish this raised bed I'm building and planting a bunch of stuff - today while I was planting some bulbs, banana trees and elephant ears I was frustrated by the utter hardness and dryness of the ground. It was like rock -the ground was impossibly hard to dig in. Now, you figure a state that bases so much of its income on crops would have good ground. Nope. I don't know how anything can grow here. So that means a lot of mulch and purchased top soil.
On another, much sadder (I know, it's hard to imagine anything sadder then my crappy dirt) note, Andrew Thompson died this weekend in Tally Town. He is my neice's dad and a family friend. He was only a few weeks away from turning 26, so that just adds even more tragedy to the pain. I can't even imagine what his family is going through and can only wish them my deepest condolences. I am so thankful that I have happy and healthy family and friends.
To end on a happier note, Cody and I made some more awesome salsa tonight and I bought a new hose. :) I wish everyone the safest and happiest of days. Take care of yourself!

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