Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Rare Occasion

It's 8 o'clock and we're "done" for the day. On a typical day, this either never happens or happens around 1 a.m. As you can see from the previous post, the weather probably had a lot to do with us already being "done." We thought today was going to be one of our typical busy days, where we try to fit 30 hours worth of life into a meager 24, but thanks to the weather man, it wasn't. On our perverbial plate for the day was: I needed to run, Cody had soccer practice out at Creve Coeur, and there was Parties in the Park in Clayton. Our plan, as usual, was to try to fit everything in. Since soccer practice was near Cody's work, I was going to ride with Marissa (who is on the soccer team) out to Creve Coeur, run while they practiced soccer, then ride back into town with Cody, come home and change clothes, hopefully all in time to run out to Clayton to meet up with everyone for Parties in the Park. But, alas, our day was lessened by the rain. All three of the above were cancelled. So Cody worked late, I worked out at the gym (Cardio Kickboxing kicked my butt), we made dinner (salsa and chips for Cody, left-over salad from lunch for me) and now it's only 8 o'clock and we're "done" for the day. Mind you, I still have the dishwasher going and some laundry to sort, wash and fold but that can be done after being "done." So now we're going to relax.

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