Thursday, October 18, 2007

Makin' Deals with the Devil

One of the joys of owning animals (or kids if you have those) are the annual visits to the vet. Since I adopted the cats from a shelter in Florida and I'm generally relatively lazy about finding new places, I've been taking the cats to the vet for the annual shots every time we visit for Christmas. But I didn't get around to it last year because we just got plain too busy. So I decided I needed to find them a vet here - I made that decision in December. I just now got around to calling them, making an appointment and actually taking them in. A friend adopted a dog from the Humane Society here, they are right up the street from our house and I generally prefer to support those types of places when I can so I made an appointment with them. I made it for Thursday at 5pm because I figured Cody could go with me before school. But it turns out he "forgot" some school meeting he had to go to at 5:15. So it was me and three cats to the vet. He later admitted he didn't want to go because he thought the cats would hate him if he took them to get shots and he would rather them hate me and let me be the "bad guy." So he made a deal with the Devil - I'll take the cats to the vet to get their shots and they can hate me and he won't have to worry about them clawing his eyes out while he sleeps, but in return when we have kids he promised that he would take them to the doctor for shots and let me be the good guy. :) Yeah, I think I got the better end of this deal. :)

Anyway, the visit was relatively uneventful, other then the sheer acrobatics involved with me trying to carry three cat carriers into the vet, in the rain, by myself. When I checked in all the ladies commented that "Oh, you're the one with the girl cat named Mr. Pickles" (when I made the appointment I gave them the cats' information) Yes, yes. That is me. Then when I saw the vet tech - she asked if the front desk people messed up because they put that Mr. Pickles was a girl. No, no. Not a mistake. Mr. Pickles is a girl. Then the vet came in - again, more comments on poor Mr. Pickles. The moral of this story - never, ever let your husband name your cats.

They were all healthy. Wiggles and Mr. Pickles were about 8.5 pounds and Bumpis/Tubby/Fatty weighed in at an astounding 11.5 - they asked if she lets the others eat. Yes she does - there are three food bowls, she can't eat out of them all at one time. Wiggles, the "lap kitty," otherwise known in our house as "co-dependent kitty" tends to "over-groom" her belly so she is missing a lot of hair there but that is nothing to worry about - she just gets nervous when Cody isn't around and does it out of nervous habit (she hates me and could care less if I left - she'd probably like it since then she could have Cody to herself).

So that was all for Kitty Vet Adventure Thursday. :)

1 comment:

maxolasersquad said...

I would advise that when you have kids that both of you go for the shots. The kids will look at your for comfort and support and not as a bad person, so being there is really for your benefit as far as your relationship with the kids goes.